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  1. T

    Reflector Question

    anyone have any ideas?
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    Reflector Question

    Ok so I had to rig a Super cheapo reflector out of one of those lasagna aluminum throw away baking pans cause I am out of $ for now. It is set up with a 250W HPS. My question is, would the shiny aluminum be best or should I spray paint the inside of it flat white? And would the white paint...
  3. T

    LST or scrog help!

    I am thinking about acquiring ~16 clones (from 8 mothers - 2/mother) They have not been sexed. I want to sex 1 set of 8 asap while keeping the other set in veg. Would it be better to LST one set or scrog it? This is the scenario I came up with: take one set and place in 12/12 with LST. Once...
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    What is my best option for my lumatek eballast? I am looking for best results for flowering. Will a standard HPS bulb from homedepot be just as good as a fancy bulb bought online?
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    place to get mylar?

    Anyone please.
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    place to get mylar?

    I went to the dollor tree near me and the only metallic stuff they had was tissue paper and it was the same color (red or green metallic) on both sides. What package exactly should I be looking for, can someone post a pic of the package?
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    Confused about lighting.

    Well I bit the bullet and bought a 250W Lumatek eballast. Will all of them do MH or HPS?
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    Confused about lighting.

    I already have a few 6500K CFLs that I am using for vegging. Would it be best to just pick up an HPS setup now? I was looking at a lumatek electronic ballast.
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    Confused about lighting.

    I am debating a first grow. But to be honest I am overwhelmed by all the lighting options. I was tempted to do all CFL but the HID lighting looks so much better. What kind of bulb is best for flowering? HPS, CMH, or PSMH? I plan on using a 250W bulb.
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    help me choose a 250W kit.

    Is the digital ballast worth twice the cost?
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    help me choose a 250W kit.

    I am in the market for a 250W HPS setup. I am looking at 2 options: 1) Lumatek 250 eballast + socket - 135 shipped or 2) 250W DIY magnetic ballest kit from htg supply. - 67 shipped. What do you guys recomend? Or do you have other suggestions.
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    how much light for a closet grow

    I was leaning twoard 250 HPS. And I already have a clone/veg chamber set up w/6500K cfls.
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    how much light for a closet grow

    I am planing on building a grow cab for my closet. I have space for about a 28" W x 24" Deep X 5ft high. What would be best for this space. HPS? 150W or 250W? or CFL? I plan on doing a SCROG of some sort.
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    T5s or T8s and color temp

    I have the option of getting 3000K t5s or 2700K T8s for flowering. Is 2700K better than 3000K for flowering? If so, would the increased efficiency (more light) of the t5 make up for the poorer color temp? These are regular bulbs btw, not HO. (they are just for suplimental lighting, I will...
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    T5s or T8s and color temp

    I have the option of getting 3000K t5s or 2700 T8s for flowering. Is 2700K better than 3000K for flowering? If so, would the increased efficiency (more light) of the t5 make up for the poorer color temp?
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    So what is the best place to buy a 250W fixture? Or is it better to buy the ballast and put one together yourself? Ive looked at HID hut and HTGsupply.
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    I am planning on growing in a grow box and using it in a closet. I am trying to decide on the dimensions. Here are my options: 2' W x 5'H x 2' Deep 3' W x 2.5'H x 2' deep Which would give me the best yield. Also, would a 250W or a 400W be the best option with the size in a closet? Thanks...
  18. T

    What kind of activated carbon works best?

    I went to my local petco and saw 2 different types of activated carbon. One was pellets and the other was more like flakes. Which one is better in a DIY carbon filter? I would think the flakes would have more surface area and be better. The pellets are cheaper though. Would smashing them up...