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  1. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    Do you suggest clipping off the damaged area's to give more light to the rest of the plant, or just let her do her own repair work naturally?
  2. C

    First grow - sour diesel and grand daddy purple

    Wow man looks completely kick ass...
  3. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    fuckin A... i nuked the bubba kush... I love how the pH down bottle just says to add a little at a time to lower pH... well I checked it today, it was at 3.5 and my poor baby has a bunch of curled and burned leaves... shit went down over night... I switched the water completely out and am hoping...
  4. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    sweeeet cant wait to see em :)
  5. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    Ahhh sweet idea I didnt even think about those... yeah those under current systems would be a piece of cake for me to throw together with my experience with aquariums... I may put together a build at a later date.
  6. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    Yeah I could have ridiculous amounts of bubbles if I use my aquarium pump with its venturi port on it, but It uses 140w of electricity and adds a bit of heat to the water, but if im using a bigger system it might be just enough to keep it at the right temp, still now digging that 140w though...
  7. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    Im lst'ing her right now to allow the light to evenly hit the budsites below that main cola... do you think I shouldnt and just let that main one fatten up as much as possible or just keep it kinda like a canopy the way I have it now...?
  8. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    I was thinking, in an effort to simplify my life... and not have to be messing around with the girls while they're growing I think next grow im going to do a recirculating dwc system.. that way I can have a maintenance res.... should make my life so much easier...
  9. C

    The Single Seed Centre +REP!!!!

    I started my mothers in dwc... just planted them in rockwool cubes germed them and ran the water just below the rockwool cubes... the bubbling of the water brings moisture up the hydroton and to the roots... worked great...
  10. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    Bump, anyone with any lowryder experience?
  11. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    Has anyone grown dieselryder before? Or just lowryder's in general, I know its a noob thing to ask about yield because it depends on so many factors, but I have no previous experience to go on about budsite to weight ratio... I know I have a few more weeks in flower in it, but from just no...
  12. C

    Ballast Reliability?

    those lights are damn sexy if you dont mind my sayin
  13. C

    400w Closet grow. (Sour Cream warlock motivation sour kush chronic)

    oh im subbed, ive gotta see these strains mature... :)
  14. C

    8 weeks veg??

    whenever you want, switch to 12/12 lighting schedule, unless your running an autoflower... which in that case just keep the 18/6 and let her flower on her own with that schedule...
  15. C

    New and Improved

    if your having temp issues, are you running your light cycle at night? is there a fan in there? whats the room temp? if you've got an a/c running you can slightly crack a window open and that'll push some hot air out... not very energy efficient lol but it gets the job done until you can do...
  16. C

    Please help with lighting situation

    dont quite get what your asking, but if you talking about adjusting your light cycle without throwing plants in and out of veg and flower ive heard that you can do it by slowly changing your lighting cycle... not something abrupt that'll prompt flowering...
  17. C

    400w Closet grow. (Sour Cream warlock motivation sour kush chronic)

    if your looking to save that sour kush and its already had nute burn at this stage I would go ahead and try and flush that soil completely, like just drench and drain... and then just feed her water until she's got some more leaves on her
  18. C

    400w Closet grow. (Sour Cream warlock motivation sour kush chronic)

    What do you mean by mature (as in how long do you intend to veg?) I have 4 plants that im doing in their own room right now, and as I continue to veg them I continue to have to spread them out to avoid stacking them on top of each others leaves... right now im at about 38 days of veg and my...
  19. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    Well I think I lowed the pH too low on that bubba kush... leaves started to curl real bad... so I diluted the water by 50% poured half into another spare bucket and added 50% fresh water... Did the same with the Dieselryder since I think it was still suffering from nute burn... I dunno what the...
  20. C

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    what are the dimensions of your tent? Im thinking about getting one for my new place... how do you like it?