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  1. dontmetharound

    when should i start flowering?

    flower at 18 working good for me. or try sog method
  2. dontmetharound

    please tell me this isnt male pics

    well at least mikes got a sense of humor. and i dont hit my girl she hits me . i just armbar her and choke her out. i try to keep bruises at a minimal.
  3. dontmetharound

    will temps affect yield????

    im assuming it affects yield in a nehative way. that would only make sense. yeah my buddy just grew it and it really didnt turn out purple at all. kinda sucks having a purple strand with no purple on it. haha
  4. dontmetharound

    My pot movie

    fuck the buds. nice truck
  5. dontmetharound

    will temps affect yield????

    anyone? please
  6. dontmetharound

    1000w Hps in A 4'x4' Hut???

    if u got the dough but the liqud cooled bulbs. they r too much for me to afford. if u get a 600 and r not happy with it u could just go pick up a 400. and that way u have a better spread on the lights
  7. dontmetharound

    will temps affect yield????

    alright. im in flowering. 4 weeks into it. ive heard that if u keep the temps down it will make the buds turn purple. i am growing grandaddy purple so it would only make sense for it to be purple. right now i c no signs of purple. i was wondering if i keep the temp down in the 60s will it make...
  8. dontmetharound

    How Much?

    stay high brother. haha. how much all depends on the color of you thumb. i know nothing about cfls. so to be honest im really not the guy to talk too. i only know when using hps. u should be getting around a pound per 1000watts
  9. dontmetharound

    Humboldt's Growing Adventures! Up & Away!

    fuck there might even be a couple midgets in there. but u will never know
  10. dontmetharound

    How Much?

    how much what?
  11. dontmetharound

    Humboldt's Growing Adventures! Up & Away!

    those r the bushiest( my new word thanks to u) plants ive ever seen. i like it. im curious to c what u yeild? and how they turn out. ive never tried cfl. im thinking about it. cause that will keep the bill down
  12. dontmetharound

    please tell me this isnt male pics

    thnaks for the reply. right on bro. actually my girlfriend should thank u guys cause that anger would have been taken out on her. haha
  13. dontmetharound

    please tell me this isnt male pics

    first grow. i think its a hermie. what do i do. do i pull off the male parts or do i kill the plant. i dont want it to fuck up the others sorry. newbie mistake. haha. i almost cried. its just a matured calyx
  14. dontmetharound

    15 gallon res. ph seems to rise to fast

    im using rockwool to coco. im still in the rock wool stage of my veg.thaks for all the advice. u r the shit. i use the gh liquid ph down
  15. dontmetharound

    just some advice on my setup

    alright my buddy told me to grow 36 plants on a 4x4ft drain and fill table. im using 4x4 rock wool cubes and 36 fit with good space. my question is will those 36 get big enough in the cubes to be ready to put in a pot of coco and start my flowing on a differant table right. or should i veg them...
  16. dontmetharound

    15 gallon res. ph seems to rise to fast

    thanks a lot. im using an airstone now. does the evap of the clorrine cause the ph to raise so much? should i do a flush to get the cubes down. or would that put my month old plant into shock
  17. dontmetharound

    15 gallon res. ph seems to rise to fast

    i am growing a recycle system. drain to recirculate. i am in veg cycle i am using rockwool cubes. i phd the cubes to 5,7 when i first got them. no every time my pump turns on. 3 times a day. the water that drains back into the res is alot higher in ph. like 6.6. its kinda a bitch to ph the...