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  1. xxjohndeerexx

    300w of CFL Noobness gone Dank!

    Hey folks time for another update! Where in week 5 going on week 6 after the seedlings broke soil. I dont know wth is going on with them but almost every 8 hours i have to check on them to make sure they havent grown into the lights! Growth is starting to go crazy fast. I I may be feeding them...
  2. xxjohndeerexx

    A former Microsoft executive is planning to create the first American marijuana brand

    Yeah I had gave this a read on yahoo news a couple days ago, I really dont agree with his source for his cannabis. For one who grows the pot in mexico(the cartels) Who controls the drug trade period in mexico(the cartels) so who would he be in business with? the damn cartels! doesnt make sense...
  3. xxjohndeerexx

    300w of CFL Noobness gone Dank!

    I have an extraction fan, but no intake atm, the closet isnt sealed so it draws air threw the closet doors. I have a box fan on the side of the plants and reflector pushing the heat from the lights towards the extraction fan. Tomorrow im going to purchase some ducting, and two duct splitters. im...
  4. xxjohndeerexx

    CFL and HPS?

    nice so the ballast is dimmable thats a cool feature. yeah for veg i would use the hps on a lower setting, Keep the cfls for, lets say side lighting etc, and when flowering comes around crank that ballast all the way up, id even keep the cfls. just make sure you can manage the heat issues that...
  5. xxjohndeerexx

    CFL and HPS?

    Well, have you considered buying a 600w light to use with veg in that ballast? or even smaller to save costs during veg but greatly increase lumens and light penetration? the lights only use the power needed, so using a 600w light in a 1000w ballast is ok and using a lower wattage bulb then it...
  6. xxjohndeerexx

    300w of CFL Noobness gone Dank!

    Im thinking about splicing into the ac vent in the room and run it into the grow room. I dont want to pull the lights any further than 3 inches from the plants, but atm i may have to until i get the heat under control. im able to get the room temp to 75, but the temp under the lights is still...
  7. xxjohndeerexx

    300w of CFL Noobness gone Dank!

    I got a question for anyone out there that may read this, My temps under the lights is around 87-95 degrees, the room temp is 79-83 degrees. Are these temps safe? I have a fan blowing the heat towards the outtake fan. I keep my lights about 2-3 inches from my plants at all times. I think I have...
  8. xxjohndeerexx

    first grow :)

    love the pvc fixture. I started from seeds on the first although your babies look much healthier then mine. whats soil mixture are you using? can I get some more details?
  9. xxjohndeerexx

    300w of CFL Noobness gone Dank!

    update on the girls, they're doing well. still chugging along threw veg, I think the biggest issue so far is me not being able to just leave them alone. im trying to kick myself into the habit of just leaving them alone :) Heres a new vid...
  10. xxjohndeerexx

    midget plants?

    i have a plant that is refusing to grow tall as well, same age as my other only difference is it went threw a transplant. think it went into shock.
  11. xxjohndeerexx

    300w of CFL Noobness gone Dank!

    Well today I decided to get rid of all the clamps and build myself a Reflector to house all my cfls. I used the foam insulation panels that they use to insulate garage doors. Its far more durable then I first thought. I wrapped it in an emergency blanket and secured to the panel with double...
  12. xxjohndeerexx

    300w of CFL Noobness gone Dank!

    Why? what he end up doing to look bad in the publics eye's? Never ended up seeing the rest of his vid series.
  13. xxjohndeerexx

    300w of CFL Noobness gone Dank!

    Whats going on brothers and sisters of RiU, Id like to start off by giving a thanks out to everyone that is kind enough to take the time and share your knowledge and experiences. To have such resources at hand is absolutely gold. Im not new to rollitup but have lost my original login creds, so...