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  1. breadbox

    Drooping and crisp leaves HELP

    I just left the house to toke.. came back and here we are with droopy crispy leaves.. i havent watered all day.. Lights were raised prior to drooping and they have been outside all day..
  2. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Next to post reply... "upload a file" choose from..... whichever hard drive your using or cell phone gallery..
  3. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    You dont ph your well water? That bullshit is what makes the difference of getting an ounce per plant or a half pound.. if a little thought and effort needs to be applied for that to find a good balance then i find it worth it. Nigga.
  4. breadbox

    Sharing my grow.. feedback? ridicule? tryna chat here

    Sup budddd (: Iv got watermelon, two tomatoes, spinach and three peppers... You see my two pics? One with the contortions and the one with two yellow leaves and no growth?? Whats that about.. i been using the same stuff for em all.. How was your easter??
  5. breadbox

    Sharing my grow.. feedback? ridicule? tryna chat here

    Im using half happy frog and half roots organic.. i use distilled water, all plants of a tsp of bat shit and worm shit. A pinch of lime and phosphorus. And i gave an epsom salt water today.. temps are about 65-80.. i say that because during the day they are outside and then i bring them in for...
  6. breadbox

    Sharing my grow.. feedback? ridicule? tryna chat here

    Not sure if i have any issues.. just sharing ny grow.. comments?? bongsmilie Happy 4/20 everyone
  7. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    You can give distilled.. thats fine.. id say no nutes.. they look happy enough with what they have. When a new node forms id give a little if any of whatever you are currently giving. And neem oil and dish soap are an excellent shield/coat for them. They dont absorb either so it doesnt affect...
  8. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Im cleaning my rain drum now.. its gonna rain tomorrow. . Air stones are great. Ph is perfect if your in the country and because you ARE in the country ALL the rain by you will have organic minerals and trace elements since the water was soaked up by natural earth.. miami water... now thats a...
  9. breadbox

    first grow really droopy after transplant please look

    Yes. But i wouldnt say any longer than a month.. im currently using half half of roots organic and happy frog.. a pinch of lime and worm castings for vegging... and for flowering phosphorus.
  10. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Thats gonna end up costing you money but at least your ph will always be on balance. If your in a field get a 10-50 gal drum and save rain water.. or just stick your plants out on rainy days.. plants love rainwater
  11. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Where is your water coming from??
  12. breadbox

    first grow really droopy after transplant please look

    Your problem...? Transplanting way too early.. looks exactly like my first mistake.. if not, definitely add some bat shit or worm castings to increase nitrogen.. sprinkle half a spoon every other day until new growth is green.
  13. breadbox

    updated alien deficiency lol

    Unclereemis you have any idea?? Still confused
  14. breadbox

    Purple stems on my cannabis plants still in vegatative stage.

    Iv never seen such careless answers.. at some point your plants were subject to temperatures under 68°.. i personally have purposely done this for a few cold nights to my grow just to make them purple.. the new growth will continue to be purple and the leaves by the nodes will become purple...
  15. breadbox

    updated alien deficiency lol

    So i saw this when i brought my plants out this morning
  16. breadbox

    Whats this? Tips yellow curling under.

    Im using a 400 watt in a enclosed wooden crate.. i guess i need to get a fan and exhaust
  17. breadbox

    alien defiency or what???

    Lololol i know i water too much..
  18. breadbox

    alien defiency or what???

    I did nothing different.. i hav no idea why this is like that.. i had TWO doing this but after giving nitrogen one started sprouting new healthy life
  19. breadbox

    alien defiency or what???

    Well i have 20 ladies.. i water once a day until the bottoms leaks a little...
  20. breadbox

    alien defiency or what???

    You mean like this one lol.. its the same age as my biggest one about a month