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  1. Kole1980

    I want to learn strains

    I was wondering if anyone knew a good site with a list of strains......
  2. Kole1980

    I want to learn strains

    I was just wondering if anyone knew of a list or a site that I could go to to start learning strains???
  3. Kole1980


    What is Molassas supposed to do for your plants? besides cause problems.
  4. Kole1980

    I Want To Learn Strains.....

    I was just wondering if there was a list or a site that I could go to to start learning strains?
  5. Kole1980

    Stoner Jobs!!!

    I was a factory worker untill They had us all do an inpromptu piss test... I was a metal man in the RV industry. It used to pay good but Lately it sucks anyway! Hopefully unemployment comes through!
  6. Kole1980

    What does kind bud sell for in your area?

    It really depends on who you know decent shit is 40 a quad good shit no less than 60 a quad...
  7. Kole1980

    Leaves at 45 degree angles to eachother up towards the light

    Your plants leaves are just trying to get the most light it can. In my experinance the leaves went int so many angles. The only thing is if your leaves are sagging way down it is a water def. You could try putting your light(s) closer to your mistriss...if your leaves curl its a prob.
  8. Kole1980

    Miracle Gro Potting Mix

    I am still a noob, but M G seems to be doing great Except I haven't had any Females yet. My pics are in my album. I started off with MG potting soil and I'm now trying Organic blend.
  9. Kole1980

    What to grow as "practice"?

    Everything I read said Tomatoes are the closest vegtable, growing wise, to mary jane...
  10. Kole1980

    Daily Grow Tips (with pics)

    I am definatly going to try "The Bannana Religion"! I am a first time grower and have had 6 males so far! I've only been doing 2 plants @ a time, though.
  11. Kole1980

    ways to get rid of smell?

    Hey man I'm in the same Situation. I've been using Dryer sheets. It works some what...
  12. Kole1980

    is this a problem

    Don't some strains take up to 2 weeks to germ?
  13. Kole1980


    There are some mean people out there! Mean but FUNNY,.. Should'nt be a whole lot of damage if any.
  14. Kole1980

    How long do YOU veg for?

    well half the size you want it to be.
  15. Kole1980

    Transplant - New Soil - Please Look (Pics)

    Don't know. What soil were you looking for? I'm a newbie it seems like you would have to add a bunch of nutes to it. I'm using the same MG that you have in your first picture and it seems to be doing good.
  16. Kole1980

    How long do YOU veg for?

    I was just wondering how long everyone veg'd their plants for. I sprouted on JUNE 4th so mine have been vegging for 27 days
  17. Kole1980

    Small Prob...What should I do?

    Yesterday, I noticed that a couple of leaves on just one of my plants has fly "crap" on it. I'm not too worried because I know that outdoor plants must get that shit all the time. I know its fly crap because I say the little fucker in there. My question is should I trim those leaves off? I...
  18. Kole1980

    Is $40 for a dro clone (trainwreck) a fair price?

    I agree with Korvette! But alot of people are moneygrubbers...
  19. Kole1980

    Here's Some Examples of What Topping and Fiming does

    I think they look good to! I'm a beginner ( I'm on my second grow now,Inside) and I'm curious about FIM'ing and topping. I tried it on one of my "experimental" plants but all I did was damage the leaves. So I'm tryin to do some research.
  20. Kole1980

    when should i water them?

    Are you planning on indoors or outdoors?