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  1. OldHippy

    Just Showin' Off Some Of The Girls.

    I don't rightly know what the hell they are. I got the beans from a trusted, but very disorganized friend who said..."I dunno, could be some apple mango in there, maybe some white rhino, possibly pineapple express.." Whatever they are I'm pretty stoked over them.
  2. OldHippy

    Just Showin' Off Some Of The Girls.

    I've got these flowering outdoors in Michigan right now, about to get the unheard of June crop and it's looking treee-mendous.
  3. OldHippy

    possibly too much ferts? Any hope for this plant?

    My plants are all in the same situation regarding soil type, watering schedule, feeding etc. All are doing very nicely, except for THIS one. I'm posting 4 pics, three are of the plant in question, one is very healthy for comparison. Did this plant maybe get over fertilized? I can only guess...
  4. OldHippy

    Can I Use This kind of light?

    Those are called CFL's and lot's of people get great results with them. Take a look in the Lighting Forum, there's a ton of info there.
  5. OldHippy

    8 days flowering, 4 65w CFLs, tell me what you think

    Are you sure that's not photoshopped? Eh, maybe I did have a bad day. Those are some fine looking buds man.
  6. OldHippy

    8 days flowering, 4 65w CFLs, tell me what you think

    oh come on dude. We've all seen those cheap assed lighters at every gas station in the country, so you KNOW what color it should be, that's why it's there, as a color reference. What the fuck kinda question is that anyway? You think I got nothing better to do than dick around with photoshop just...
  7. OldHippy

    day 63 sticky icky

    OUTSTANDING!!! Those are some fat assed buds bro, I bet they taste almost as good as pussy. I'm gonna check out your journal.
  8. OldHippy

    Almost harvest time. Again.

    I swear us stoners only look at the pictures half the time LOL! It's in the post, they're each 250 watts. They've been flowering for just about 10 weeks now. This was an outdoor grow moved inside so about half of that was under the sun. The trick to growing good weed from bag seed is to only...
  9. OldHippy

    Almost harvest time. Again.

    Still got a few left to chop and they should be ready by this weekend. I picked a small sample bud off the biggest plant a few days ago and DAMN is it good. And check out the lights! I got four 250w HPS fixtures and 36 extra bulbs FOR FREE. Having a friend that is an industrial electrician...
  10. OldHippy

    foot long bud

    well fuck, I guess SOMEBODY has to show a foot long bud. Here's one of mine.
  11. OldHippy

    When should I harvest (+rep+pics)

    yeah no shit, and then someone else quotes the fucking post so I have to scroll through them all again. Good fucking lord LOL! Nice looking plants dude, they look pretty close and should give you some nice smoke.
  12. OldHippy

    Todays purple bud harvest

    I guess it's more of a heat issue than a light issue. I don't have a heated space to use over the winter months, just a detached garage and it's as cold in there as it is outside. So you're growing under a total of 156 watts of light? And here I was bummin cuz I only have 1,000 watts LOL!
  13. OldHippy

    Todays purple bud harvest

    I'm not fully set up for indoors yet so no, I didn't reveg or clone it. I grow outdoors all summer and bring them into the garage to flower under lights near the end of September. The garage has no heat, and I'm limited to four 250 watt HPS right now. Hoping to get my Michigan MJ growers...
  14. OldHippy

    Todays purple bud harvest

    I'm pretty close to Toledo, just up in Ann Arbor. Couldn't figure out how to send you a private message but if you can send me one I'd like to chat for sure.
  15. OldHippy

    Let's talk about sharing seeds.

    I've gotten several emails from other members here asking if seeds are available from some of my stuff and I'm sure others get the same requests too. So here's my question, has anybody here ever done it? I mean, I want to share and all but I'm a little nervous about the whole thing, how would...
  16. OldHippy

    Todays purple bud harvest

    ok first off I promise to sell a bag of weed and buy a fucking digital camera one of these days, till then here's another blurry'ish cell phone pic. You'd think for $300 the phone would shoot macro pix LOL! Here are the buds after 8 days of drying and curing, I swear I catch a little buzz just...
  17. OldHippy

    Todays purple bud harvest

    Just the unintended result of amateur cross breeding.
  18. OldHippy

    Todays purple bud harvest

    Just took this one down today, The buds are gorgeous and smell incredible. The wet weight trimmed was only 87 grams cuz this plant was badly neglected most of the season and never got out of it's one gallon seedling pot, but it's another free oz of the diggity dank:eyesmoke: Sorry bout the cell...
  19. OldHippy

    my little nugzz

    Don't be discouraged by the people that want to talk shit. It's dope and you grew it yourself, that makes it worthwhile. Make sure to give + reps to the 2 folks that gave you good advice, ignore the rest of them and grow on. At one month into flowering there is still plenty of time to help...
  20. OldHippy

    Think my bud got moldy while curing

    Can you SEE any mold on them? It's white and fuzzy usually. What would you compare the smell to?