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  1. OldHippy

    Look at this bitch, is it time for the ax?

    why don't you bring it into that nice warm room where you took the pix at night?
  2. OldHippy

    need help with cure

    I think you had too much lettuce in there man. It doesn't take a whole lot really, get a piece of the thick white part near the base, about the size of a quarter. Put about 1/4oz of weed in a jar, the lettuce piece on top and seal it up for several hours and it should be just right. As for the...
  3. OldHippy

    very blue berry

    That is some fine looking bud my friend. Enjoy your harvest bongsmilie
  4. OldHippy

    Check out this "black" weed

    Awesome dude! You're right on about the amazing results of inbreeding, at one point in time I mixed in some northern lights, and look at these buds.....they look just like yours LOL!
  5. OldHippy

    Check out this "black" weed

    It takes about 12 weeks to flower, I recall it tasting fruity and right now it has a citrus like spicy smell to it.
  6. OldHippy

    8 days flowering, 4 65w CFLs, tell me what you think

    I believe ya dude, anything can happen in the world of weed, look at the black plant I just posted up. Anything can happen:blsmoke:
  7. OldHippy

    Check out this "black" weed

    So does rice pudding with raisins but it tastes mighty good.
  8. OldHippy

    Check out this "black" weed

    It's not really a "strain" per se, it's just something that came out of years of non-scientific cross breeding. I have no idea HOW I did it, but there it is LOL!
  9. OldHippy

    Need advice about harvest

    This may sound crazy but did you look on the ground around the plants for any sign of the buds? If you're lucky the "thief" was a rabbit, those little bastards have sharp teeth and when you see the cut you'll swear it was a pruning shear that did it. They don't smoke it or even eat it, they just...
  10. OldHippy

    Check out this "black" weed

    I can't wait to harvest and smooooooke this bitch. Spent almost 8 hours trimming other kinds of bud today, and lucky me still has at least another24 hrs worth to go, but this plant isn't quite done yet. The bud picture is this same strain from last year taken with a camera, the plants are cell...
  11. OldHippy

    Rain rain go away

    Yea man, things are getting pretty iffy here in southern mich, I'm in the jackson county area and the weather has been total shit. It can be pretty scary some years.
  12. OldHippy

    one happy Hippy here

    We call it Sticky Hippy Dippy Purple. Here are a few pix from previous years grows.
  13. OldHippy

    one happy Hippy here

    I wish I could tell you what the purple, actually it's nearly black, plant is, but then I'd have to kill ya LOL! Next time the sun comes out here I'll take it outside and get a better picture of it, for now here's a cell phone pic taken under the lights. It's the unintentional result of my...
  14. OldHippy

    one happy Hippy here

    It's almost harvest time, wooohoooo! Due to strain differences, harvesting will go through till the end of the month at least. Couldn't find my camera, luckily my cell phone takes great pics. I'll post better pics when I can.
  15. OldHippy

    Smoke Report: 2 years in storage

    Here at the Old Hippy House we've been keeping the buds in the deep freezer for years and have never had a problem. After it's been cured it goes into 1/2 gallon mason jars and into the freezer next to the half a cow worth of steaks and the case of tortillas. It's gonna be a nice winter...
  16. OldHippy

    drying/curing question (first time grow)

    If it's already crispy at 24 hrs you may have too much heat in your hanging spot. I'd stick them in jars for about half a day to get some moisture back out to the edge and then rehang them, after addressing the temperature issue, if you have one. Good luck!
  17. OldHippy

    if curing should be in dark and a little bit wet for a long time, why doesnt it mold?

    There's some good info on various curing techniques here: Like others have said, it's a fine line between curing and destroying your crop. I'd suggest that you only try to cure part of your stash, that way if things go badly...
  18. OldHippy

    Really need expert opinion on these pictures (Mag Def)

    Thanks for the reps guys. I've been a member of this site for three years now and I'm still a "stranger" LOL! Maybe I should post a little more often :eyesmoke:
  19. OldHippy

    Really need expert opinion on these pictures (Mag Def)

    Google is your friend. There are plenty of sites on the web that contain FACTS based on scientific research regarding nutrient deficiencies in cannabis. Here's one: "Iron is naturally plentiful in most soils, and is most likely to be deficient when the soil is very acid or alkaline" and...
  20. OldHippy

    Really need expert opinion on these pictures (Mag Def)

    Looks like an iron deficiency to me. "----Iron (Fe) is a key catalyst in chlorophyll production and is used in photosynthesis. A lack of iron turns leaves pale yellow or white while the veins remain green. Iron is difficult for plants to absorb and moves slowly within the plant. Always use...