Check out this "black" weed


New Member
It'll definetlY be fire but the black nugs always look so gross lol. Damn good job though looks like a nice yielder.


New Member
If u make ur OWN thread about it I'm sure myself and many others would be glad to just not on someone elses thread.


Well-Known Member
On IC-mag I saw a blacker weed than that. Now that shit was nuts. I heard black weed tastes like shit and potency can be a mixed bag. Let us know how it all works out.


Well-Known Member
this is comprised of ww and nl.... same pretty color. it doesn't have to be colombian or african, or a cross of either. color is in the genes, but is generally recessive. inbreeding will produce some amazing results at times....



Well-Known Member
i was waiting for someone to say some shit they new nothing about

so let me ask you
is smoking this weed going to make you crazy
sence everything black or african is stronger or more potent- or is this the one time something labled black or african is going to be weak, this guy didn't even say what strains he crossed
you say the word black and ran
have you seen white (albino) weed where is this from - would this be stronger or weaker than black weed

here's a link to the albino bud thread
now you could go tell this guy how gr8 his weed looks and how not yuky it is
and ask if it has a vanilla bean smell
Are you serious?

Are you really gonna turn this into a discussion about race cause this dude has some black dank and people are asking pretty general questions? That sure seems to be where you're going.

I have a few friends that have grown some black weed from clone (uh oh, all black weed comes from "clones"...followers). I'll ask them the name of their strain.

I need to go look at my plants now. They have really lame "white" hairs on them. Almost Albino really, can't wait to get rid of them for something darker. :-|


Well-Known Member
On IC-mag I saw a blacker weed than that. Now that shit was nuts. I heard black weed tastes like shit and potency can be a mixed bag. Let us know how it all works out.
you heard wrong. mine smells like grape crush soda, tastes just as grapey. potency is crazy, trippy even...


Well-Known Member
That shit looks nasty. I love green baby, good ol' green. But it looks like you did a mighty fine job on that plant though.

I would say that from the pics, I haven't seen in person, it's purple not black. Just looks like dark purple weed.

Potency is of course a mixed bag. There's lots of strains that can bring out color and it's not directly tied to the potency potential of a strain so....yeah, not relevant.


Well-Known Member
Now I've heard it all lol.
Black people love Grape Drank
Now black weed taste like Grape soda
Holy Shit!
lol /Sarcasm

JoeCam that's the best dude.

My buddy Andre comes over and it's non stop sarcasm from the get go. I'm white as fuck and he's black as fuck. But we love to bowl and talk shit.

I always offer him this Fuze juice. Zero calories, no sugar...etc.

He's like "mother fucker do I look like I'm from the OC" I don't drink juice. I drink Grape Drank or Kool Aid." Then he goes on a 2 min rant about how much he misses the ATL.

Then he sums it up with. "I hate white people, but you got some good as weed dude."

LOL...he's the best.


Well-Known Member
Black weed is usually african or columbian sativa or a cross with them. Whats the flowering time in weeks? Does it have a licorish or anise like taste or smell?
It takes about 12 weeks to flower, I recall it tasting fruity and right now it has a citrus like spicy smell to it.


Well-Known Member
Awesome dude! You're right on about the amazing results of inbreeding, at one point in time I mixed in some northern lights, and look at these buds.....they look just like yours LOL!

this is comprised of ww and nl.... same pretty color. it doesn't have to be colombian or african, or a cross of either. color is in the genes, but is generally recessive. inbreeding will produce some amazing results at times....




Active Member
I think that this shit looks amazing. The color reminds me of black tea. I want some. Any seeds?


Active Member
nice buds, i love the dark purple buds, hard to find but when they come around i get em. thick sticky buds that burn forever... im quite shocked hearing the word gross that is some dank


Well-Known Member
I grew some bub that flowered out DARK purple. It was so dark that it looked black and all my friends thought it was moldy or bad (not!). Lit some off after curing and it was some really good stuff. Had a "peppery/spicy" flavor too it and the high was very strong. Never knew the strain, just some seeds from a friend.

Was not sure what to think when it first started to change color...this happened right when flowering began. When did yours start to change color, or was it always dark like that?
Just wanted to stop by to say nice job. Beautiful plant, it looks real cool. I sure learned a little from this thread about the black strains. I also laughed at some extremely funny comparisons of black weed to black people. Lol, entertainment at its finest. "Now black weed taste like Grape soda" hahaha, man sterotypes are funny.