if curing should be in dark and a little bit wet for a long time, why doesnt it mold?


New Member
if it stays moist even if you burp it it still seems like siting moisture in the dark which = mold. should i just trust it if am at the right moisture for an extended time period?


Active Member
I chop the main stem hang them upside down. It has to be dark and I do 30% humidity with a dehumidifier.


New Member
I chop the main stem hang them upside down. It has to be dark and I do 30% humidity with a dehumidifier.
i dried it for a few days until the out side was dry but inside had moisture. in the jar it evens out but still i wonder about mold if the process is supost to be dark and slightly moist even if it gets burped?


Well-Known Member
if it stays moist even if you burp it it still seems like siting moisture in the dark which = mold. should i just trust it if am at the right moisture for an extended time period?
i'm just doing my 1st glass jar cure, and you are walking a fine line between cure and disaster
was curing for a week, all looks good, then a bit of mold pops up on the the very bottom of stem
it was tiny, hadn't touched the bud, just snipped it away
so all is fine now, but you are walking a fine line with moisture and trouble, at least until you get a feel for it


Well-Known Member
Drying is very different from curing. But both can gain mold. If you have no air circulation while drying then mold can form if it's to humid. If the bud that's in the jar isn't dry enough mold can form in the jar to.


Active Member
when you put it in a jar move the bud around and make sure not to pack them in tight. open it up for a few hours to and if you see mold throw it out.:weed:


Well-Known Member
You should dry it for at least a week , i usually do 10 days of drying and 3 weeks of cure before its smokable. Do not try to cure wet or moist weed, it will only be ruined.


New Member
You should dry it for at least a week , i usually do 10 days of drying and 3 weeks of cure before its smokable. Do not try to cure wet or moist weed, it will only be ruined.
so it does want to be 100% dry at some point before curing? i brought that up one time and caught alot of flack for it. seems like it should totally dry sometime but they all called me a "nubee when i said it. can you confirm if it should be totally dried first?


Well-Known Member
There's some good info on various curing techniques here:

Like others have said, it's a fine line between curing and destroying your crop. I'd suggest that you only try to cure part of your stash, that way if things go badly you won't be left with nothing to smoke.

I've cured plenty of bud over the years and I can't stress enough how important it is that you check your jars several times every day. Mold is insidious stuff, it can go from a dozen spores to a million of them reeealy fast.

If you spot any mold at all, even a tiny fluff at the end of a stem, dump your jars and leave the buds uncovered until the outsides are crispy again before resuming the cure.

Best of luck to you friend!


Well-Known Member
thanks for details. i knew how important dryness was when it comes to curing, but this time around since im flowering under the sun im gonna take the extra precautions mentioned ;)