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  1. BlackFinger

    **Bonsai** All About Bonsai Mothers

    Lol I am using that pic on page 1 as my avatar i thought it was wicked cool too :). I am going to make one with two mk ultra's once its been sexed wrapping around each other and i am going to do some stress training and fimming and gonna try to get it to grow outwards like an old oak tree. It...
  2. BlackFinger

    The Daily Bud

    Subcool teach me the ways of the green force X X
  3. BlackFinger

    Sticky buds that weigh more!

    Lol, people, people people whats with all the neg. energy? Yes we all know Americans suck, they are like a bunch of lemmings running off a cliff after their mc double. All joking aside, like the man said above me we are all entitled to our own opinions. I don't live in America but from what I...
  4. BlackFinger

    Grow Tent Reaching 36c NEED HELP

    Air cooling system and also they got some cheap little heat diffusers at your local hydro store. If they don't you can order it but I hear they work just like the tempered glass. But def. get some air exchange in there buddy. a good 4" inline would probably be enough cfm for that tent.
  5. BlackFinger

    8 weeks into 12/12. when do i cut??

    You dont need a scope to see that those are not done. Patience my friend patience. The hairs on your girl will receed into the calyx those hairs are still poking way out and they will all be red. Not to mention its easy to tell when a plant has become ripe it will get a darker tint to it...
  6. BlackFinger

    Any opinions on expected yield, or any opinions at all?

    Hard to tell seeing as they have a ways to go. I am estimating about 3/4 - 1 oz(if lucky) per baby. Probably closer to a 1/2 oz with the 250hps. Hard to scale, what strain is it?
  7. BlackFinger

    The Daily Bud

    +Rep on the urkle! That is one of the most beautiful ladies I've seen. Really liking the purple trim on the leafs looks wonderful :) Was that just an Urkle pheno or did you do something different to achieve that?
  8. BlackFinger

    does darkness before harvest ACTUALLY do anything??

    Seriously, people are still talking about this? Surely who ever came up with this is out of their mind. No darkness before harvest will do absolutely nothing for your plant, some sick minded individual probably made this up to make you wait just a little bit longer. Like plenty have said...
  9. BlackFinger

    Help My Clones!!!

    It looks like the plants are either 1) getting too much nutrients. (What is your ppm) 2) Your spraying the leafs during the light on cycle if there is too much heat it will suck the moisture out quick. 3) Your p.h is off and locking out essential nutrients like nitrogen. make sure its under 6.0