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  1. T


    Well butter is kool. And i figured out last night, males are useless. Well kinda.. Ask my second ex-wife. Yes, this post hinges on. I bought a new bong. Shit..................
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    Hello farmers... This is my first grow. With the help of every one in here, plants are doing fine. Just a question about hash. Is it gender related? Does the sex, determine the quality of hash. Thanks...
  3. T

    Female or Male?

    Not yet. New foilage....
  4. T

    Best Feeding time lights out?lights on?

    At bed time for them. Juice them up, fire them off to bed. Works for me....
  5. T

    How do my 18 day plants look? (Pics)

    Yeah man. Awesome plants, for the "first grow ". I am on my first grow too. Shit is slow to happen, but learning. My grow area is evouling everyday, so is my plants. Next grow will be better.....
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    The 1000w MiracleGro Trial

    They are kool plants, looks good. Keep up the good work.
  7. T

    What kind of nutrient should I use?

    Nutes.... Not yet, to young. But, anything from DNF is great...
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    The 1000w MiracleGro Trial

    I will admit. They are some nice looking plants.....
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    The 1000w MiracleGro Trial

    I dont know? I treid it.. I am on the DNF now. Liking it very much.
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    Question for EXPERIENCED growers about hyrdogen peroxide!

    Is that the shit you put on cuts??? I like to see a before, and after picture......
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    How are my ladies looking? cfl 26 days into flowering..

    Wow. Thats one sassy looking plant......
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    Thanks. I am using fluro's. Getting good growth, not going to fuck around at this point. But next grow, i might throw one in...
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    Hello everybuddy. Any one using leds?. Just wonder how they are preforming. From the shit, i have been seeing. They look good, work good. Thanks. Happy Growing.
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    Considering CFLs ? Pro and Con

    Nice man. I smoke to that.
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    Things to Know About Lighting

    Lights, Lights. Fucking more lights. Seems to be a endless topic. I know jack shit about them, I turn the switch on they work. Heres my question to the Flurescence growers? Should there be a mix?. Cool with warm.. If so whats the ratio? Hers my setup. Four foot by two feet area. Six young...
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    Favorite Thing to do While High

    Grab the old lady, by the hair. Then drag her off to bed. Smoke another one, then its time to party. Just kidding about the hair.
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    No clue At All

    Hello. High times has a nice and short video, you can watch. Excellent veiwing, has worked for me. I wish i can find the link. Its called "ready set grow" watch it pot smoker.......
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    Newbie at Large

    Hello every one, hows the growing. Mine seem to doing fine, could be better though. I could be be twisting right now. My little facilites is starting to e-vovle. Question about lighting? 24/7 on, or not. Does it matter what time you turn them on or off? probally a dumb question. Thanks.
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    Newbie at Large

    Well. My girls are haging on, not much foilage. But they look good. How does everyone feel about lights on 24/7. i have read some like, some dont. The problem i am finding, is there are too many stories about growing. Or should i say ways........
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    1st grow lucky

    I dont know guys. one says this shit is easy to grow, the others are craving "that green thumb" . I am one of the cravers. Mine are a month old, looks like the christmas tree off of charlie browns christmas. They are healthy, i asumme. But really slow to grow.... there is alot of good tips in...