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  1. Buttknuckle

    Germinating auto seeds

    Ive always done photos but this time around I'm giving some autos a try. From what i understand its best to start autos where they will finish. I plan on doing a dwc grow and am wondering if it would be best to try and germ the seeds in rockwool cubes (never had the greatest luck with), or to...
  2. Buttknuckle

    The Christmas trees came down!

    Agreed, most trichs appeared milky not clear with a few on the amber side but again, I'm still learning haha
  3. Buttknuckle

    The Christmas trees came down!

    Yeah my .25g per watt with just lst is hopefully going to get blown out of the water with this next run... also attempting a single cola s.o.g. this time around, 12 plants in 3 sq. Ft
  4. Buttknuckle

    The Christmas trees came down! and learn i guess, i ended up with 3 Oz and it's curing now, i sampled before cure and it was harsh but still very potent so I'm happy with it! Just means next time I'll do better and for this next run i have a cob light on its way to replace my cfl's. As long as i get better and...
  5. Buttknuckle

    Air pump to res size ratio?

    Just wondering if there is a generic gallons per hour ratio per gallon of res in dwc setups? I have a 18g res and am using a 285gph air pump with 4 cylinder air stones hooked up. Bubbles are fairly strong but after my res is flooded with roots im wondering if they're still cutting it since...
  6. Buttknuckle

    DIY questions.

    Well i put my order in for a light through timber grow lights last night. I'll be waiting anxiously to receive this and get it up and running. Hoping to see some great results out of it!
  7. Buttknuckle

    The Christmas trees came down!

    Here's the rest of the pics
  8. Buttknuckle

    The Christmas trees came down!

    It's possible, i was under cfl though so I'm not sure they would've gown much more. I pretty much just went off the trich's which were all milky white. This was only my 2nd run and the first time i let them go for about 9 1/2 weeks and they never started to turn amber and after sampling i...
  9. Buttknuckle

    The Christmas trees came down!

    Rest of pics giving me trouble I'll post more tomorrow
  10. Buttknuckle

    The Christmas trees came down!

    Well after a whole lot of traveling between family and visiting, Christmas came to an end tonight with the cutting down of my aurora indica. I have a few pics of before and after trimming. I mainly only took off the fan leaves with no crystals on humidity here is just above 30% so I...
  11. Buttknuckle

    Bubble cloner question

    Well i picked up some hydroguard and have 12 clones 3 days in now, guess we will see lol
  12. Buttknuckle

    DIY questions.

    I think what I'm going to try to do is give the single cola s.o.g. growing style a shot with the new light. I've seen some that have had colas like 5 times the size of my largest ones...I'm not sure if aurora indica is a suitable strain for that style or not. I've been researching a lot of...
  13. Buttknuckle

    DIY questions.

    Thank you! Like i said, I've had decent success even with just cfls so I'm hoping that i don't stick at the same weight I've been getting, I'd like to see a quantity increase for the investment in the light. The quality as far as I'm concerned has been pretty good...but if it improves in...
  14. Buttknuckle

    DIY questions.

    Here's some zoomed out shots... definitely another week i think.
  15. Buttknuckle

    DIY questions.

    They are only 7 weeks now that I'm looking at the dates... so probably another week to 2. I'll get a full shot tomorrow after work. Strain is aurora indica
  16. Buttknuckle

    DIY questions.

    Random question while I'm here, would you say these are ready for harvest or nah? I'm thinking another week or 2... but I'm still a newbie compared to many.
  17. Buttknuckle

    DIY questions.

    Hahaha thanks, i have used it for my gamertag for a while now :bigjoint:
  18. Buttknuckle

    DIY questions.

    I legitimately had not even thought about not much of that issue from a cfl bulb haha. This may have just saved me a bout of temporary blindness
  19. Buttknuckle

    DIY questions.

    Awesome man thank you, i think ill stick with the 100w kit for ease at the moment and crank it at 100% until i need otherwise.
  20. Buttknuckle

    DIY questions.

    Yeah the ppfd in the cree kit is better than the citizen kit so i was going to go with the cree 100w kit for the moment and expand later on as needed. Probably the best bang for my buck... what would i have to dim the 200w kit down to to not be wasting power, to my understanding 900 ppfd is...