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  1. Panelata

    is it to late to Hermie my girls for fem seeds??????

    Now having said all that whilst being preettttty baked, here is something that someone who actually does seem to know what he was talking about posted somewhere. Forcing a normal female from a regular seed to hermie, the offspring would be classed as f1 breeds having a certain percentage of...
  2. Panelata

    is it to late to Hermie my girls for fem seeds??????

    Man I admire your patience whilst dealing with the sheer amount of herd mentality ignorance taking place here, I mean this isnt even a complex topic, a female plant will produce male flowers as a last resort in order to continue its line, this will happen if the plant has a reason to feel its...
  3. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Ped dont take this the wrong way but I can not tell you where I bought them as this would be pretty much giving my identity with address away as I could easily be traced through the seller.So you will have to do your own bit of homework on this one.But a hint would be to look at suppliers on...
  4. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Hi pedrovski Its the cheapest of the cheapest Chinese strips, I dont think they care too much for specific wavelenghts when manufacturing these, and furthermore , I think that every strip is different from one another, doubt very much there is any consistency here. I found this spec sheet on...
  5. Panelata

    Strawberry cough !

    Am I correct in assuming that you are indeed vouching for Strawberry Cough :eyesmoke:. Most truths are spoken when one is high so this will probably be a strain to add to my wishlist, which breeder is this from?What was it like to grow in terms of ease and time? Keep happy
  6. Panelata

    Top 10 auto flower strains

    Thanks, a few people have said the same, going to go with the halfway point at 18/6 and see how it goes.
  7. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Thanks Nug, I think I will stick with the halfway point and go with 18/6 , and as time progresses and my photoperiod plants start preflowering I will decrease that by 15 minutes a day until I eventually get to 12/12,by which time the autos should be done. I used 6 strips on this last one 36 rows...
  8. Panelata

    Top 10 auto flower strains

    Hi all ,I am 23 days into my first ever grow and have gone with barneys farm Pineapple Express , heard a lot of good things about them mostly here on RIU ,I have just noticed some pistils on them today, all 3 are showing,I am well stoked with them so far,they have proven to be extremely easy to...
  9. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    I imagine it would make for some very effective odor masking too, absolute genius , although not a seed I want to plant in me :spew:. On a good note ,all my 3 autos put on a strip show for me today and showed me their goodies (at day 23) :hump: Not sure if I should give them 12 hrs dark or...
  10. Panelata

    1st Grow-Barney's Farm LSD - Soil - 200W Diamond Series LED + 75W Magnetic Induction

    They look great you will soon be enjoying some decent smoke :bigjoint: , and I am sorry I would not know to tell you if they are good to harvest, as I am also new to growing but the wise folk all talk about 50:50 amber to cloudy trichs . Was wondering did you get around to transplanting the...
  11. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Sure that wasn't a certain canna connoisseur lol, funny how people are quick to jump to negativity simply because its not mainstream and doesn't cost a shit load of money. Well the fact that you went and did it anyway after the so called 'old wise' hand suggested otherwise is for me the makings...
  12. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Thanks Chron , you are the true hero and pioneer though lol
  13. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Yeah thanks mate , my intention for documenting this grow here, is to get all the help and suggestions I can get but only from those that truly do want to help a fellow grower succeed , but I really am not fond of bulls***s, especially those who target new growers and attempt to discourage them...
  14. Panelata

    90 watt x 2 UFO LED Northen Lights Autoflower Grow Journal

    Looking good, mine are at 21 days today, they look more like yours at day 18(to be expected you have tried and tested lights) so I am am not trailing too far behind, I like the stick LST thingy you did. Keep up the good work.
  15. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Ok seems I been making this thread all about the lights and in the process been neglecting the real deal here, so today I took the children for a photo shoot and thought I might as well pollute the thread with their pics.At this point ,any feedback and opinions from experienced growers is most...
  16. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Ah but I tend to smoke it all and not have any to sell ,but the money I save from not having to buy bad weed will eventually get me my mk4's and 5's Lol thanks, figured what the hell, a light is a light and the concept behind it ain't exactly rocket science, having said that I hope I don't...
  17. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Hi Caretaker, you are welcome. I used 6 rolls as for heat, its not a problem atm, its fairly cold where I am and the little heat that comes off mainly the resistors can be easily managed with a single pc fan blowing directly onto the panel. Later on as things gets warmer I migh have to get a...
  18. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    What I like abput these smds is that you can lay them out to cover any area evenly tjey also emit light at a 120 degree which means less waste,so I thimk you can cover pretty much any spaces that your main light does not cover effectively.The strips are 1cm wide and each cuttable chunk of 3 leds...
  19. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Bro if you did indeed pay 1400 dollars for a 250 ish watt light, then I got 3 words for you YOU GOT FLEECED And I sure much rather try my luck and fail with a 100 dollar light than to come onto a forum and admit to such an attrocity. All the best to you and sincerely hope you grow enough to...
  20. Panelata

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Well you can get the strips off ebay , its very easy to connect them up, depending on how many lights you are going to need you need to get a 12v DC power supply ,if you have an old computer PSU you can modify it to use on the strips (you can find tutorials on youtube for this), but if you are...