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  1. W

    First time grower could use advice

    i have a fan blowing air from a window into the box and another blowing air into it with door open when light is on im just looking for small bushy plants thats all
  2. W

    First time grower could use advice

    and also my plants are clones i know nothing of the age of them, im wondering about topping, as you can see im working with a very small cabinet for the time being but i dont want them to grow so tall just bushy when would be a good time to do so
  3. W

    First time grower could use advice

    ill have to stop by there tommorow sometime and get some cfls with 800 lumens each, ill post a pic of what my set up looks like so far
  4. W

    First time grower could use advice

    when your talking about 20-5-5 with nutes i dont understand that, i have 3 clones im trying to grow and 1 lil one, the ph kit i got doesnt test the soil its for water
  5. W

    First time grower could use advice

    anyone there to help me out with a few things
  6. W

    First time grower could use advice

    ok ive gotten very few suggestions on the help of my opperation. ive scrapped some of the foil sides for the white, im looking into buying some cfls if someone could give me a exact brand and wattage would be appreciated, i just purchased a ph tester for my water, what kinds of nutes should i...
  7. W

    any help?

    also should i scrap the bubble wrap foiled sides for the white paint inside? also i cant seem to raise the humidity past 41% in the lil cabinet any suggestions on a way to raise it?
  8. W

    any help?

    the shop right here off norwood does have plenty of clones and hybrids for sale
  9. W

    any help?

    im using clones from the club so, and how many cfls should i buy for the 3 plants i have going im looking to grow the lil ones outside if possible
  10. W

    any help?

    what watt cfls and how many should i get i dont want to put hella in there though. im looking of having only 2 lights if possible any suggestions??
  11. W

    any help?

    heres pics of the bulbs im using 2 120w 2 50w
  12. W

    any help?

    no they are from northern cali, i just purchased a ph tester and ph up and ph down so i can give the plant its correct ph the plants are sleeping right now but around 4 ill be able to put up new pics and the plants are in seperate pots just the lil ones in the big pot till they have enough...
  13. W

    any help?

    this set up is just for temp use, also i have a question on the dark stages of its growth is flowering if im not correct, correct me please but your not supposed to let any light in correct? if thats true why do i hear people talking about using lights when they are flowering? im just confused...
  14. W

    any help?

    the lights are about 3/4 a foot away from the plants i just recently moved them closer and mae my watering times further apart as i was watering often. id love the help guys if you could help me out with my first grow
  15. W

    any help?

    here are updated pics as of today super skunk from the club age i have no idea its in a rock wool cube the smaller one is also a super skunk the larger pot is a white widow should the stem be purple?
  16. W

    any help?

    also im looking to find a place that would sell a ph tester where can i get one of the liquid test kit? anyone know of a place that would sell them? i dont want to pull the plants out of the pots again, i got the wrong soil but if it doesnt work out with this operation ill switch over next time...
  17. W

    any help?

    can anyone please help me this is my first time growing and would appreciate the addvice anyone has to give, anything i could change or do better?
  18. W

    any help?

    where can i get a ph tester at and how much are they and just use tap water to flush them?
  19. W

    any help?

    :confused:first off im new to the scene of growing but ive smoked it for years so i just recently went to the cannibus club and i i bought 3 plants 2 super skunk and 1 white widow, i have them on 18 hours light and 6 hours dark im using a miracle grow soil not sure some cheap stuff and some...