Search results

  1. I

    Best video game to play while baked

    currently still rocking cod4 for the 360 but i play gears 2 also , cant wait to get cod5 shaun white (snowboarding) and the one ive been looking forward too since the first - skate2
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    Zong Bongs?

    just bought a zong today at a headshop in town best decision ive ever made.
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    when you can grow like this come see me

    Lmao get the hell off my thread ;) this guy makes me laugh
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    hows it lookin

    ive got some 200 watt cfls there damn good if you use about 3 or 4
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    decent because my doctor is thinking about perscribing me it even tho i smoke it already because they think i have insomnia (where you hardly sleep at night )
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    is there a certain age to be able to recieve medical marijuana
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    who here smokes bud, and doesn't drink or smoke cigs?

    i smoke pot everyday i smoke cigs once a month ? the odd occasion and ill have a few beers every now and then no hard alch for me tho
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    yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee papppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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    harvest day!!!

    looks fuckin bomb man
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    I give up :(

    growing is indeed hard , just keep on trying and like pismonkey said move the light away from the plants how close was it ?
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    2nd cfl grow! *pics*

    shit man ur mom found out that sucks .. just tell her its all going to a good cause ;)
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    Popcorn buds!!!

    the spiral ones i have a few 100watt lights
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    Know your strains to grow more potent buds!!!!!

    yah man just lit up think i might look a little better later
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    I'm not at my place right now butthet just look like ordinary lighs
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    okay today I picked up a few 200 watt lights today at the hardware store , are these any good for 2-4 plants I have two lights --- and I picked up some miracle grow when should I put this in right when I first water the seeds on the soil or should I wait ??
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    germinated seeds

    Stick then in your soil pots and either read the faqs or one of the guides
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    pickup two 200 watt's today

    was walking round in home hardware and bought two 200 wat lights today would they work for 2-4 plants ?
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    grow closet setup

    so never mind guys my mom was actually really cool today i just said fuck it and told her that i was gonna grow plants so she gave me 50$ and said i dont want anything else to do with it so now im gonna grow mabe 10-15 plants in my basenmane and use that 50$ plus my 400$ to buy lights and...
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    Marlie Moore and Morgan Dayne

    probally gonna get removed but i like
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    Tin Foil or White Paper?

    i wouldnt use cardboard , or tinfoil man im using one of those plastic storage containerss