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  1. B

    dr chronic delivers for me

    I have been ordering fron the DOC for 2 years with no issues! Im in So Cal. The black list stuff is bull. He used to run hg420 and when it was sold to Muffinman it became very difficult to get a e-mail through to DrChronic and thats when the black list stuff started. I have ordered many times...
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    Sagamartha Seeds - Busted

    I think the seed bussiness is so big and the Dutch government is raking in sooo much dough that they wont stop the online sales any time soon!
  3. B legit?? Crazy cheap prices!!!

    Never tried them before. Prices seem too good to be true! I would wait to see if a member can vouch for them or make a small order to see for yourself. The one at the top of the page for 48 beans for $30. looks good but I just went to the site with out using your link and the price is $49. for...
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    nutrients(yea i cant spell)

    Ask for Peters Fertilizer. Its 20-20-20. I would not worry about what the guy thinks. He wants to sell you something or the store would be closed. He doesnt give a crap what you are growing. Most people smoke pot anyway!
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    S.a.g.e! Supersilver haze!

    SuperSilverHaze is a very good strain. Its easy to grow but does not like overfeeding. Grows huge in hydro and outdoors but pretty small in soil. It has a very good up buzz with little body stone and the high last a long time. The smell and taste is so nice it makes you want to take another hit...
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    energy saver bulbs?

    Those bulbs are good for veg but the foil is not. Foil causes hot spots and is at the bottom of the list above black paint for diffusing the light. Flat off white paint is a lot better. Its right under Mylar for diffusing the light. Good luck with your grow show. Peace Out!
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    My Plants have yellow dots

    Welcome to RIU. Enjoy! Yellow spots are usually the first sign of spider mites or a potasium deficency. Take a magnifying glass and look under the leaves to see if you have mites. If you do get some Einstein Oil and Cocoa Wet and mist with 1/2 tsp per pint of water every other day till the eggs...
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    Resin smoking

    I save the stuff off the scissors from trimming, its like hash and I save some of the best trim for hard times but not the resin!
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    Greenhouse seeds dispute

    They put the coating on there for a reason. Some beans just take longer to crack then others. Its like Kief Chief said. He knows what he is talking about. Leave the coating!
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    Grower's bible?

    Welcome to RIU! Glad you decide to join. Jeorge Cervantes- Marijuana Horticultural- The indoor/outdoor Medical Grower Bible is what I use for reference. Very good book with lots of info and pictures. List for 24.95. Ed Rosenthal has very good books too for aroud the same price. I got mine at...
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    Resin smoking

    You have not seen a thread because that stuff is nasty. Why bother growing if you have to smoke that crap?
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    How Much Longer for Trich's to Turn Amber?

    Nice Job! They look beautiful. Im sure you are gonna enjoy your harvest. Wish I could try a bowl or two! Those buds look sweet and really close to harvest but be patient. Most strain take at least 60 days no matter what the breeder says. Wait for a few amber trichs or some leaning ones. With...
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    lighting question

    You need a seperate area for veg and flower if you plan to harvest every 2-3 months depending on strain. I would split the area in half to do both. A 1000w covers a 5x5 area easily. Id say 6x6 max. Three 600w are better then two 1000w because you can put them closer to the plants so you dont...
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    Power outage

    Your schedule is fine. You are better off with the extra dark time. Some breeders recomend 24hrs dark to start or finish flowering. Leaving the lights on too long while flowering is what really causes some issues!
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    my plants fell

    If the stem did not break they will be fine. I usually put a splint on the stem or stalk when something happens like that. I would give them a little bit of B1 or some Miricle Grow Shock treatment. Low dose though. Something to give them a little boost!
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    heat problem help

    I use 12 cfls for veg and a 600wHPS for flower and the 600 creates way more heat then the CFLs. If you can move your box thats how you want to do it. Like 801 said! It sounds like you only have fans blowing inside your box and thats not enough. You need fresh air coming in and a way to remove...
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    Yellow pictures..please

    They look pale green so they may need some nitrogen. You might want to feed them with a complete fertilizer. The recomended NPK for veg is 10-10-10 and 10-30-20 for flower. Peters 20-20-20 is good stuff for veg. I use FF Grow Big but I add BioBizz Bloom. Anything close with a high N count will...
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    Yellow pictures..please

    It may be a ph issue. The ph for soil is 6.0-6.8 and hydro is 5.2-5.8 Your leaf tips usually sag if its over watered or over fed. The ph being off could cause discolorations in the leaves. I have a PPP in hydro and I checked the ph and it had gone up to 6.8 from 5.5 and my leaves were doing the...
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    damn what does the gop put in their koolaid

    Wow! Thats one way to keep a strange thread going.
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    where could i get some unbiased news?

    Almost all the news is biased. Bill Oriely on Fox News is in the center. Not left or right! I trust the guy. Check him out and make your own decision!