Search results

  1. Lugs

    very general question .. any strains that do not stimulate appitite as strongly?

    HM.. i have known a few tokers in my time that were skinny as a rail. im not so well off in that area. Munchies are expected and to be delt with accordingly. im just wonding if some strains are not as strong in that area than others? eh sounds stupid but i havnet read antying about this...
  2. Lugs


    I guess i could. but mainly because... the season is over now and secondly because i have no freekin idea where i would grow it ... not to mention the area where i live is basically a big fkn rock idk how normal vegitation grows around here. Solid valid points from everyone. And yes the...
  3. Lugs

    Looking for XP tokers!

    ya man thats where my pride gets the best of me. I hate to be clumped into the abstract land of the ignorant. because I DO do my homework and I DO read the books. Nothing i have heard here is anything different that what i have read other than the humbling XP of growing cheap weed first...
  4. Lugs

    Looking for XP tokers!

    Kaleo.. hhaa i thank you man. i started 2 threads and your keeping up with me. Like i said... im looking for advice and what you said makes sense. i might as well try a cheap grow to get this under my belt. whats it gonna hurt a couple months? i can understand you and appreciate it. im just...
  5. Lugs


    Eh... what my wife dosent know wont hurt me. im looking small... very small scale anyway. in a place she simply does not go. my risk is minimal. and worst case .. she jumps my ass and forces me to give it up. and if it came to that i would. BUT.. haha. and this part i laugh at. you all dont know...
  6. Lugs

    Looking for XP tokers!

    I guess i dont understand yoru reasoning... if i have the means and abiltiy to grow any given strain and understand how the change in light and timers work... why would i want to go with a bagseed or autoflowering variety? not to insult... im just asking because i dont understand. I do know, im...
  7. Lugs


    I cant count the number of times i have seen on this website (and others) that say DONT let your wife know about your grow...
  8. Lugs


    Ok first off.. wife likes a toke just like I do however we have kids and she is UBER parinoid about growing. soo.. its up to the balzy me to do it under her nose. Im working up to a very by the book grow. i have obtained a nice heavy duty metal cabinet that is 72" tall, 2' deep and 3' wide to...
  9. Lugs

    Looking for XP tokers!

    I have heard very good stuff about Kush and low ryder both. exp low ryder/ AK 47 strain. I have considered them but damn. at the prices the seed banks want... fk i dont want 2 strains that give the same effect. me being new want a couple strains that have different effects? does that make...
  10. Lugs

    Looking for XP tokers!

    wow thanks a lot fellas. im supprised of the replies so fast. but just so you know i have done my homework and am looking at a very nice stealth hydro setup. i have a extensive HVAC and electrical background to make this pro along with being around some mild agriculture/gardening. while i dont...
  11. Lugs

    Looking for XP tokers!

    Yes you summed it up. what highs can be expected from what strains. i have done my homework and know what ind/sal diff is.. but also realize a lot changes w/ the hybrids. with a grow being constant across the board using Fem. seeds. is my goal. im not interested in commercial yeilds or cash...
  12. Lugs

    Looking for XP tokers!

    any recommendations as for strains? it gets very confusing on seed sites when you start looking Salvita... but feels like Indica... hybrids.... cross strains and pure... hell anymore i feel like a kid in a candy factory. It all looks good@! haha but i guess im looking for tried and true examples...
  13. Lugs

    Looking for XP tokers!

    Hmm. i try to keep this simple and to the point. I am not a experienced toker. Everything i have had up to this point has been a mix-mash supplied by friends, which consisted of everything from dirt weed to unknown hydro. I would like to start simple and am looking for good examples of different...
  14. Lugs

    Thanks for your advice on my post. i notice the noob posts are quick to outdate so i just wanted...

    Thanks for your advice on my post. i notice the noob posts are quick to outdate so i just wanted to send you a memo and say TY. I think i will take your advice and steer clear of the LEDS. Im still in planninng but im starting to get the pieces together. Thanks, Lugs
  15. Lugs

    First Grow Planning Assistance

    thanks for your reply. As for size of cabint (height) i just wonder how big a deal it really is ... esp. if im cycling clones in/out. was reading the sea of green columns and it looks tempting. on my interests it would be very very limited though. as in one small harvest at a time. I have...
  16. Lugs

    First Grow Planning Assistance

    Hello and thanks for taking time to read. I will try and keep this short and simple. ... I am planning a first grow, however im not one that jumps head first. I tend to do a lot of research and planning before hand. That is to say, im not planning a low tec/in the dirt windowsill grow. At the...