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  1. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    should i just scrap her to prevent problems for the rest of my girls?
  2. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    well technically there not clones anymore im gunna flower them sometime this week as they are all reaching the 18 inch mark :)
  3. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    serioussss thats bad so basically because shes rootbound it led to a lockout and no matter how much nutes i gave her they didnt have any affect is that what ur sayin?
  4. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    theres magnesium in the nutes i have? so i should just throw her away?
  5. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    what like after youve ph'd the water when u feed them test the ph that comes out of the bottom? aww thats a bummer man i deff dont want her to hermie and she looked like she was gunna yield quite a bit i guess i let her slip thru my fingers cause i was so focused on the clones i took off her...
  6. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    so are u saying that when plants need nutes the stem goes purple? its ph 6.5 in plagron and yes im measuring nutes correctly following the chart i have using syringes mixing them one at a time
  7. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    what do u mean by it still needs buried???
  8. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    shut the fuck up like i came on here for advice not to be abused by some mug behind a computer screen its my VERY FIRST GROW and if u didnt notice in the backround of the first picture its a little hard to see but by all accounts the other 11 plants i have a perfectly fine and im quite proud of...
  9. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    by runoff??? i use a ph meter mate? shes been curling for a bit but i guessed that was cause i moved her outve the way of my t5 so all the other plants could get enough light until i set my hps up which i did cause she was the mother to the other 11 plants so considerably bigger and i thought...
  10. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    nute burn? really ive let her go for like over a week no nutes is root bound really a problem?
  11. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    cant be ph i always do the ph right, so what could it be nute burn or nute def? havent fed nutes for a week -2 weeks is it game over for this girl or can she be saved, all my plants are fine except her :(
  12. healing of the nation92

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    urrmm basically my plant is yellowing then going brownish and spotty brown/grey with curling leaves heres a few pics help me out please
  13. healing of the nation92

    white powder on plants soil what is it mold (mycelium) ???

    what do u mean by beneficial mold how could it possibly benefit me? i thought mold was bad?
  14. healing of the nation92

    white powder on plants soil what is it mold (mycelium) ???

    lmao lay off the smoking maan, yea i aint got it on leaves but its on top layer of soil
  15. healing of the nation92

    white powder on plants soil what is it mold (mycelium) ???

    ok so i noticed the top of one of my plants soil is covered in white stuff im almost certain is mycelium is this a eaon its growth is stunted and not growing, however i noticed a little bit on one of my bigger plants but its perfectly fine also is time for watering should i water it? help please?
  16. healing of the nation92

    Can headlice affect my crop???

    technically there not my kids but im not gettin into that so i know for a fact i dont have lice
  17. healing of the nation92

    Can headlice affect my crop???

    DUDES!!! I HAVENT GOT HEADLICE!!! THE KIDS DO now i think i have the answers i need if they cant live on my weed plants then im ok now stop arguing over whos been growing weed the longest jeeeez -.-
  18. healing of the nation92

    Can headlice affect my crop???

    sweeeaaar? nah im veggin atm but will they affect my girls now?