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  1. J

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Glad I'm not the only one seeing broken picture links.
  2. J

    Strange crispy leaves, no discoloration

    Thanks for the reply polishpollack. My guess is it's the soil too. At 3.5 weeks old, she's probably too big for a plant-only transplant. Looks like I will have to do a complete soil flush and put her on a custom feeding schedule. Anyone have experience transplanting only the plant (no soil) at...
  3. J

    Strange crispy leaves, no discoloration

    Hello all, I'm looking for some suggestions on what might be wrong with my plant. Let me preface this by saying this particular plant was not mine to begin with. My other plants, for which I mixed the soil, look great. So please refrain from criticizing. I'm just looking for thoughts on the...
  4. J

    Fan Leaves?

    I've always been a 'fan' of bending the larger fan leaves underneath the secondary leaves/bud sites. This doesn't stress the plant out nearly as much as removing the leaves (if at all), the secondary bud sites/leaves get more light, and the bent fan leaves still absorb light. It's a win win...