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  1. M

    Rootbound? Naaahh

    i like this thread. good jb.
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    "NIGHT" Lighting for My Garden

    i dont understand why you cant get all the work done during the 12 hours the lights are on
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    FOX Farm Products- Worth buying??

    Had great experiences with FF. IMO, to start, just buy The 3 that are necessary are: grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. those 3 alone will grow very high quality tasty buds
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    Michigans Helicopter Awareness Program.

    spotted in bloomingdale township: Vanburen county
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    damn hic, thems some fat trees there.
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    CO2 To Combat the Heat??

    not to mention CO2 doesn't do anything with a 400w HPS. It only works once you have all other factors maxed out and a lot of LIGHT.
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    Co2 / heat issue.what is too hot?

    85 is fine with co2. The guy at the grow shop said 92 is the max with co2.
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    12x9 how much lights

    Your ballast pulls electrons not watts or amps. watts amps and voltage is a measuring tool humans invented. Point of the story is this: You are charged by how many watts you consume. That is a fact. Running 240v will not reduce your light bill by half. GOOGLE IT.
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    12x9 how much lights

    You can believe whatever you want if that makes you feel better. But a 1000w light bulb is going to consume 1kW and that is what you are paying for. You are correct it will reduce your amps by half. :clap: your assumption that running 240V will consume half as much electricity is false...
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    Ultimate Co2 Controller Solution!

    I run the sentinel CHHC-4. While it does the job, it is definitely behind in ages with the software both on the machine and the computer. Also the DIN connector for the sniffing is very poorly made. It is 4 electrodes that are soldered. When I opened this up, one wasn't even covered and 2...
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    12x9 how much lights

    This is False information. 4 1000w light bulbs are going to consume 4 kW per hour no matter if the phase is 120 or 240. Okay?
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    Push or Pull? Fan Air Movement through Hoods?

    While on subject, Is it better to run a separate fresh air line to each AC hoods or is it Okay to daisy chain them? If I daisy chain 1000w to another 1000w, the 2nd light isnt' getting cooled nearly as much. Also is this damaging to the fan to have this hot air sucking through?
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    What kind of air cooled hood reflector is better.

    I'm using a 8" cool tube with duct booster fan. Works great.
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    Lansing Sept 7th

    bongsmilie Will be there supporting MMMA.
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    Sunleaves Rocks vs Hydroton

    I purchased the sunleaves rocks based upon my local shops advice. Besides being a lot cheaper, they are made here in the United States of America. The hydroton is produced in germany and shipped over here... I noticed inconsistency between bags. One bag I purchased had much smaller pebbles...
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    Laws About Outdoor Growing?

    Hello all. I just want to post evidence that an outdoor fenced in area is OK in some counties. Again, YMMV per county. I cannot take credit for this I am just reposting it from a different forum.
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    What to do about smell in a sealed CO2 room?

    hornedfrog, that is a good Idea. I wonder if it would work. I will have to test it out. Anyone tried this?? MF: Well thats not the only time smell escapes. Smells penetrate walls and floors, especially during the last few weeks of flowering. Here is my situation: I am a medical mj...
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    What to do about smell in a sealed CO2 room?

    Room exhausts maybe twice a day for 10 minutes. Other than that its sealed. What can I do to contain the smell? Obviously I don't want to vent my CO2 filled room if I dont have to... The grow is in the basement. Would it be a good idea to hook a canfan and carbon scrubber and just exhaust...
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    Ultimate Co2 Controller Solution!

    I run a Sentinel CHHC-4. I have one grow with it and it is a fantastic controller. I paid $610 out the door from a local store. I love this thing. It's a total environment controller and it works very well.
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    Defcom's 2x600w in 4x4 GrowLab, PKxTW cooler DWC medical grow

    Who here grows in a sterile (aseptic) environment? NOBODY. Just wanted to clarify that. Really nice scrog bubble grow man. MMMA here also.