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  1. R


    that a pretty good pic there FDD!
  2. R


    personally i like the 4" t12, but that is just my 2 penies
  3. R


    lmao This shit goes great with some coffee
  4. R


    You guys are gay!! Who cares, I think this thread is fake!!
  5. R

    thieves suck balls

    Ok you guys are all right stealing is wrong!!!! But at the same time all I hear is people complaining about it, this is somthing that will always happen and never quit. Unless somone here decides to do somthing about it! Ok, who is going to go out and put on thier Stoner Man costume and stop...
  6. R

    Misting plants= intensifying light?

    TASTE'S GREAT !!!!! NO LESS FILLING!!!! TASTE'S GREAT !!!! NO LESS FILLING!!!! Does anyone remember that comercial? Cause that is what this sounds like to me.
  7. R

    My little babies!!

    Yeah dude they are weeds they will grow anywere. Your plan sounds solid!! I think some of these people on here have thier plants growing up thier asses and into thier brains. Just dont worry about it. If you make some mistakes I am sure you will learn from them. Good luck!!!
  8. R

    All in the area...

    YEP Davee were on our way just handcuff yourself and wait on the front steps!! Shit I dont even know were naptown is.
  9. R

    Ventillation Question!

    as a rule of thumb, never go over 80 degrees in your room at the plants or under 60. If you are introducing co.2 may be a consideration, my room is 8x4x8 and i got fifty plants in there and i dont vent either way and i run co2(Propane). Who ever wrote this I hope you did not really mean...
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    fdd's crying

    FDD sorry for your loss I know you put lots of time and effort into it. I am sure everything will be ok in the long run though. Take care of what you can, I wish you the best. V/R Ruff
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    stumbled apon a field of green

    Natmon, you my fellow human being are a loser, you should have taken by the natural selection process long ago:) With that mentality why dont you just go over to Iraq and Afghanistan and every terror organization and tell them that they are special. What a retard!!! You sure your weed isnt...
  12. R

    stumbled apon a field of green

    you are so right, I am sorry!
  13. R

    stumbled apon a field of green

    One more thing if it wasnt for me and my countrymen/women half of all you bashers country would be completely FUCT in one way or another.......
  14. R

    So someones tryin to robb my plants!!

    SHOTGUN ++++++ ROCKSALT It works everytime!
  15. R

    stumbled apon a field of green

    We care about our country because we have values, we also care about this planet, we own guns to shoot dumshits like you.... Now I dont know what country you are from but STFU. I am not bashing on your third worldish country. And that is why you are complaining enviroment this because you...
  16. R

    stumbled apon a field of green

    Well, This thread has taken off. I am sorry it got to this point and no matter what killing is not a good feeling. But stealing is wrong. I personally would not kill over marijuana.... But there are other things I would do in that situation. Like beat that ass. Natmon the following is your...
  17. R

    stumbled apon a field of green

    Save that 20,000 dont spend it. Put it away so you can buy a place like FDD's and grow proper when your done!!!
  18. R

    stumbled apon a field of green

    Yeah FDD that is a tough one, I wish I could do both lol. No J/J but I have a career and I cant mess that up. I hope by the time I am retired at the age of 37 then it will be legal. But you better believe that the day I get out I will be getting blazed. I have 10 years left so vote to...
  19. R

    stumbled apon a field of green

    Well Jesse, I do agree with you and FDD you rock thanks for your support! I am a true patriot and will always be I have served my country proudly and still am serving my country proudly. I dont not however condone the actions of our current leadership and I hope you and every other brother in...
  20. R

    stumbled apon a field of green

    Natmon, the violent crimes only happen to tourists like you, lol. Yeah your right but at least we have the right to bear arms, dont hate America hate your unfair laws. Thats cool though not trying to make enimies. But yeah stealing is wrong unless your in a country were they cant have guns so...