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  1. Redbeard™

    Disapearing Buds :(

    Numbers float around here... as it is a plant full of water, you can expect 70-75% of the weight to "dry off" when you cure your buds.
  2. Redbeard™

    Bent Stem

    hmm sounds good... i figure if the leaves are drooping in an hour its a fail, but it sounds like ill be alright. thanks for the quick response folks!
  3. Redbeard™

    Bent Stem

    I was checking out the ladies a minute ago and one of them I noticed a "branch" was drooping a bit lower than the others. I don't know if it came across some trauma, but it was a little kinked near the base of the node, I quickly tied it from the ceiling for vertical support, and put gardeners...
  4. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    It came out to be just a touch over an OZ, 33 grams. It lived up to its expectations after another couple weeks of flush. Crystalline and delicious. Cloning failed, so the breed is lost to me until I don't know when. though to me the project was a success. bongsmilie
  5. Redbeard™

    Male or Female??

    alls I can see is you and your mates head... you may need some better pics, or take above posters advice.
  6. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    The Buds are starting to darken a little bit more daily. It looks as though it has a bit of a purple phenom because she has quite a bit of the purple tinge to the buds, she is packed with resin glands. After I type this I may look into chopping down the mature colas, they look great and...
  7. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    She is starting to wrap herself up... The Lady is beginning to leach the plants stored nutrients, so I gave her one last feeding (she is drinking water like a cow) A gallon of water with her flower food, some SUPERthrive, and a little molasses. She will probably get one more Molasses feeding...
  8. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    The buds are starting to put on the weight, my next water will be with only water and a little molasses. there are no problems at this stage of the plants life, and I am hoping the next few weeks will be uneventful for her as she fattens up for the feast. any comments are welcome... I can...
  9. Redbeard™

    Going to mexico.... What to buy?

    yeah... that's the last place I want to take a trip right now.
  10. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    Picture update for today... she is drinking everything up quickly these days... I have to water her every other day or so. I mostly go by weight of the plant before and after a water to judge when the water weight is gone. the buds are fattening up day by day, and I can see milky looking...
  11. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    They are basically Peat pellets... they hold water well, and let air in. hopefully to give more air to some young roots.
  12. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    Update today with pictures!!! Bud sites developing, and she is smelling sweet and drinking tons of water. the two clones are hanging in there, but I do not see roots poking out of the peat pellets yet. I am going to mix her up a batch of food tonight, I am going to go easy on the bloom mix...
  13. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    once the main plant went female I quickly took a couple of clones to keep her genetic traits going... here are a couple of pics of the clones... today if the preflowers are pronounced enough I will put some photos of them on the journal (after the lights come on of course).
  14. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    UPDATE She is a She!!! Pictures of preflowers when they are more pronounced! Oh happy day :bigjoint:
  15. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    I am getting into the second week of flowering, and there isn't a single preflower anywhere on this plant. A little strange. I was convinced this was a sativa dominant plant, but the thin leaves i am seeing on the new growth is pointing towards a sativa/indica Mix (pics below). loads of new...
  16. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    there are no pre-flowers yet, I am hoping to see some in a day or two... the plant is right around 9 weeks old... and she has been in 12/12 for about five days now. I am trying to get some vigor down to the lowest growth... because this will be my cloning area. I fully agree an taking some...
  17. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    After the transplant and the SUPERthrive mix she is going crazy again. most of the node growth is developing into dominant future Colas. the growth is amazing!!! 3+ inches in the past four days? I had to tie Down the two biggest ones because they grew into the light last night and got a touch...
  18. Redbeard™

    Epsom salt benefit?

    I used it recently for a bit of a magnesium Def. fixed her right up.
  19. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    Thanks Smokey.... I think that is the best root system I have had to date! Props to the coco-coir! The planewreck plant is coming along nicely, I will take some pics tomorrow on my day off. I feel like I want to tie the biggest growth down to allow for more light to reach the lower growth. I...
  20. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    I transplanted today to her final pot... The 5 gallon retirement home. Man was this plant root bound to the pot, it is evident now that the plant did not have enough to eat. She wants to grow like a rocket! I just put her on the 12/12 light cycle today... now watch the magic happen! plenty of...