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  1. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    I was going to move to some better nutes soon anyways... I think I am going to take your advise and hold off on the molasses until the end.
  2. Redbeard™

    Please help with TINY bluestreak lowryder

    That is totally funky cool!!
  3. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    It was to my understanding that molasses water would not hurt the plant in the veg cycle.. I could be wrong tho. thanks for the insight.
  4. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    She is still growing tough, but the Mg def is not getting much better. The leaves aren't loosing color and going brown, but they are still folded up, and getting a bit worse in that department. I am foliar feeding the Epsom water, as well as pouring Epsom water in the tray so the roots can...
  5. Redbeard™

    almost 3 weeks, heathly??? pics

    lets see a picture from today of them... I am just interested in the soil, and the main stems. It has been a while, but I believe those purple stems spell trouble... Do you know from what kind of bag your soil is from? Is it Miracle Grow, Ect... Another rule of thumb with young plants is to...
  6. Redbeard™

    almost 3 weeks, heathly??? pics

    many things can cause nute lockout... but soil has natural minerals and nutrients in it, so overwatering may be a culprit in that sense. Overwatering may also rot the small root base that those youngsters have, so maybe that is the case with the heavy watering early. MJ is a tough plant... dry...
  7. Redbeard™

    almost 3 weeks, heathly??? pics

    lockout... maybe from over watering? do you have some of that time release soil? or did you add nutes? I tested 10 seedlings once with nutes/overwater and 8 looked like yours do, 2 made it and flourished. P.S. For your safety... use the image uploader on the site(Go Advanced... when...
  8. Redbeard™

    The jungle that was our 3 VERY BIG girls

    I am using the COCO-COIR too, it is some great stuff, and has a lot of the things you would want to find in great soil. check out my grow by clicking the link below!!!
  9. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    I had some planewreck a few back as well... it was great,I vowed to grow some and I got hella lucky on this seed. Check back in from time to time.... I update often;-) thanks for stopping by, I will keep an eye on the leaves to see if the Mg def. gets better... it isn't worse today... but...
  10. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    Does anyone have some remedies for Mg deficiency? the plant doesn't look any better after some of the foliar feeding and extra water with Epsom in it. can anyone offer any information or assistance? thanks : ) ~Red~
  11. Redbeard™

    One 1000w light?

    look into light movers... you can add more space and keep the same amount of light. I have seen them around the forums lately.
  12. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    I looked around on leaf problems, and discovered I have a bit of a Mg deficiency. I am going to mix up a solution of Epsom salt, and spray the leaves with the solution... hopefully it will be an easy fix. I call it an Mg problem because the leaves and tips are curling on the new growth...
  13. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    She was looking a little moisture deprived today (pictured), The plant had cupping leaves on some of the newer growth. I gave her a heavy dose of water with a medium dose of nutes. I allow about 1/4 inch of water stand on the tray so the plant has the ability to soak up the remaining water...
  14. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    does anyone know about the extra nutes in molasses water?
  15. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    I topped the plant today, right at the base of the 6th node(you can kinda see the green cut spot in the pic, I also have a shot of the cutting...6 and 7th node growth starting). Undergrowth is getting larger, I cut intending to send more plant juice to the lower established growth. This will...
  16. Redbeard™

    What are Bright White CFL's?

    It wont hurt them... but you are right on the coma. Not real wild like dead, but it would not allow the plant to reach its full potential at all... especially with CFL's.:weed: Check out my grow by clicking on the link at the bottom... I am using CFL's right now and the growth is great!
  17. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    Took more pictures today... I have been busy with work lately so I have not had the time to spend on the plant and the Journal, but today an update! It has been 5 days after the transplant into the new 1 gallon pot... and roots are already poking out of the aeration holes(pictured). this plant...
  18. Redbeard™

    What are Bright White CFL's?

    ^^^^ this guy red up! and he speaks the truth... I would rather have MH or HPS, but money is the issue with me too. With CFL's you are saving alot of cash on power, and maybe on lights. but Vapor bulbs pack on the weight.
  19. Redbeard™

    Modest Mouse

    new work yes... old work no!!!
  20. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    She (think positive!!!) is looking real good. She is starting to show some good node growth.. I have that pictured. the canopy is real green, and the leaves are not showing signs of anger from the molasses water. I thought the root system looked fairly developed, and I actually feel I timed...