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  1. Redbeard™

    Charge it to the game!

    Today marks the beginning of the year of the Ox... things will get better. at LEAST you are not dead...
  2. Redbeard™

    What are Bright White CFL's?

    Bright white is located somewhere in the spectrum (around 3500- 4500), they will have almost no effect on your plant. Daylight CFL's for Veg, Soft White CFL's for Flower. check this out if you have more questions --------
  3. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    Nothing new today, the plant did not go into too bad of shock during transplant. I can tell today though that it still hasn't rooted in to its new medium.
  4. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    I noticed the roots starting to grow out of the holes in the bottom of my old pot. So I prepared to move it, but gave it a couple of days to develop. I have pictures of the plant before and during the move, it is now in the coco-coir, and a gallon pot. I will move it one more time into a...
  5. Redbeard™

    Hayduke's Seldom Seen Garden

    those look like godamn trees!!!!
  6. Redbeard™

    Grow # 2 - PC Grow Box - Afghan - Pics!!

    I agree... I thought the same thing. It was a day behind your other female, that's it.
  7. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    I thought I would not post pics for a couple of days... but the plant is thriving... I looked at the bottom of the pot, and a couple of roots are just beginning to peek out. I will transplant in two days into its new container into the coco-coir. I have kept the plant very low, so today I...
  8. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    This is a very fast moving Plant... I love the genetics so far. Three days since I have started the Journal and this thing is coming out like gangbusters. I am keeping it a little low as you can tell in the second picture. I think I am going to raise the lights a couple of inches in the next...
  9. Redbeard™


    i think we are all waiting for someone to pioneer these seeds.
  10. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    I am going to transplant the little gal into this soil I picked up today. it looks like some real quality soil, that has alot of the things the plant needs. has anyone ever used this soil before? what were your results? "Intrepid's Coco'Coir Organic Potting Soil combines renewable natural...
  11. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    The leaves are getting bushier it seams by the hour... i checked today and another node is popping from the middle! its ALIVE!!! Gave it a bit of molasses water today, I build a little mound of dry soil around the stock, and water lightly around that so the roots can search out the water. This...
  12. Redbeard™

    Calijuana's First Grow - 1000w MH/HPS - All Feminised Seeds

    the old abandoned Bathroom grow... looks good!!!
  13. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    here are a few snaps of the light setup, and the little plant. it is looking good for only being 8 days old... it has 54w of daylight CFL on it ATM, more will be added when the plant grows bushier.
  14. Redbeard™

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    This is a genetically mixed seed of... you guessed it Afghani/trainwreck . I am Vegging it with two 27w daylight CFL's right now, and when it grows bigger i will add more light. When I go to flower i will be bringing out around 300w of HPS. I am just going to keep this as a lone plant for a...
  15. Redbeard™

    experience with AK-48

    Excelent!!! I got those original Hasexskunks as freebies too, lol. but i have never heard bad things about the haze, It locks me on the couch anyways. You are getting me excited on the AK tho C_Pac... I am all about the quick flower, and the ruthless veg. Keep me posted on your AK-48 grows...
  16. Redbeard™

    experience with AK-48

    Sounds good... I chose to put down a Haze X Skunk #1. I am going to post a grow journal... so if you do the AK-18 I would love to see your grow.
  17. Redbeard™

    experience with AK-48

    Bump Bump.
  18. Redbeard™


    Ok... I see your Questions have been here for a few days so I will try and answer. Lights... well if you have an aerogarden, I believe they have CFL's inside to begin with, and since it is covered from the top... get a couple more daylight CFL bulbs. They are low on heat, and power consumption...
  19. Redbeard™

    Plant training

    Bump bump.
  20. Redbeard™

    Plant training

    When do you find is an acceptable age of a plant to start training it for SOG methods? I just want to make sure I am not stressing a young plant, but also I want to know when I can try and get started to get some diverse growth. Thanks in advance ~Red~