Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow


Well-Known Member
This is a genetically mixed seed of... you guessed it Afghani/trainwreck .

I am Vegging it with two 27w daylight CFL's right now, and when it grows bigger i will add more light. When I go to flower i will be bringing out around 300w of HPS.

I am just going to keep this as a lone plant for a while, when it is time to go to Flower, I am going to put some AK-48 beans down... but for now.

pics coming soon.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
The leaves are getting bushier it seams by the hour... i checked today and another node is popping from the middle!

its ALIVE!!!

Gave it a bit of molasses water today, I build a little mound of dry soil around the stock, and water lightly around that so the roots can search out the water. This also helps so my little stem doesn't Damp out.

Any commentary is welcome in this Journal.



Well-Known Member
I am going to transplant the little gal into this soil I picked up today. it looks like some real quality soil, that has alot of the things the plant needs.

has anyone ever used this soil before? what were your results?

"Intrepid's Coco'Coir Organic Potting Soil combines renewable natural resources, biotechnology, research and traditional organic practices to produce a product of high efficiency and integrity. Use with all plants in all soil types. Resists growth of pathogens, maintains superior porosity, lasts 3x longer than peat moss, doesn't shrink when dry, is capable of releasing nutrients as needed, reducing dependency on fertilizer. Holds 9x its dry weight in water while resisting algae growth. No ecological drawbacks to its use. Ideal for containers and as a soil supplement."


Well-Known Member
This is a very fast moving Plant... I love the genetics so far.

Three days since I have started the Journal and this thing is coming out like gangbusters.

I am keeping it a little low as you can tell in the second picture. I think I am going to raise the lights a couple of inches in the next day or so, I am really controlling the stretching on this one because of limited space.

more pictures in a couple of days!



Well-Known Member
I thought I would not post pics for a couple of days... but the plant is thriving...

I looked at the bottom of the pot, and a couple of roots are just beginning to peek out. I will transplant in two days into its new container into the coco-coir.

I have kept the plant very low, so today I moved the lights two inches higher than I normally do (picture 2, you can see the plant leaning because the light was too low). I can not believe its growth in the past three days!!! I have a feeling this will be no Snicklfritz... but some good dank.

I was just so stoked on the new growth I thought id post today anyways... enjoy!


Oh, I also watered with some molasses water, some leaves were looking a little droopy.



Well-Known Member
I noticed the roots starting to grow out of the holes in the bottom of my old pot.
So I prepared to move it, but gave it a couple of days to develop.

I have pictures of the plant before and during the move, it is now in the coco-coir, and a gallon pot. I will move it one more time into a large Flowering pot... but for the remainder of the veg cycle this is where it will be. I expect that the plant will be a little shocked... so I will forgo pictures of it being depressed.

In about two weeks I am going to double its light to four 27w daylights as I expect it to need the extra light to get to that lower foliage. I am beginning to stretch the plant vertically to assist in node foliage growth... I am contemplating topping this plant in the future.

any commentary is more than welcome. How am I doing so far? what would you do differently to get some great growth/buds.

Happy smoking :bigjoint:

PS, the weird stuff on the leaves in the pictures is water that I had sprayed on the them to get the dirt off after transfer.



Well-Known Member
Nothing new today, the plant did not go into too bad of shock during transplant. I can tell today though that it still hasn't rooted in to its new medium.


Well-Known Member
She (think positive!!!) is looking real good.

She is starting to show some good node growth.. I have that pictured. the canopy is real green, and the leaves are not showing signs of anger from the molasses water.

I thought the root system looked fairly developed, and I actually feel I timed the transplant just right, and that the Coco-Coir will be some great soil.
She is smelling sweet now, mixed with that leafy green smell. I cant wait until the plant pops sex, and these lights are doing great for this plant.

I did the best I could on the close up. eventually I can get closer with larger growth.




Well-Known Member
Took more pictures today... I have been busy with work lately so I have not had the time to spend on the plant and the Journal, but today an update!

It has been 5 days after the transplant into the new 1 gallon pot... and roots are already poking out of the aeration holes(pictured). this plant is ridiculous. The coco organic soil is great. Honestly when I transplanted I did not give it water, hell I haven't fed it in a week!

on that token I have decided to watch this plant carefully, but not overbearing, and just give it what it asks for or needs... like water and the likey. The node growth looks great right now, I am starting to stretch the plant more in hopes of light reaching the undergrowth.

Any ideas on the little red bug under that one fan leaf? I flicked it off onto some paper, and it was a tiny beetle. I bet it was up to no good. I read somewhere on this site that Cinnamon is a good pest repellent? can anyone back that?

any comments are more than welcome, and if anyone knows about the bug... please post:-P:leaf::-P:leaf:



Well-Known Member
I topped the plant today, right at the base of the 6th node(you can kinda see the green cut spot in the pic, I also have a shot of the cutting...6 and 7th node growth starting).

Undergrowth is getting larger, I cut intending to send more plant juice to the lower established growth. This will prevent just one single cola dominating the plants attention, now hopefully I can get a few nice sized colas!

I still haven't watered the plant since transplant, but I feel I will need to mix up a batch of molasses water soon... the old one has gone stale.

Is it ok to mix other nutes with molasses water? I don't want to do adverse things to the plant. but I think it wont ruin the plant, but I am not certain... that's why I ask.

Another update in a day or two to check on how the topping helped the lower growth.




Well-Known Member
She was looking a little moisture deprived today (pictured), The plant had cupping leaves on some of the newer growth. I gave her a heavy dose of water with a medium dose of nutes.

I allow about 1/4 inch of water stand on the tray so the plant has the ability to soak up the remaining water. then I can tell if I over watered or not, but I feel this was the first real watering this plant got thus far in its life.

report on the topping of the plant...
It did what I wanted it to do, there is a dramatic focus now for the plant to make the nodular growth top priority, and it has only been around 48 hrs. I have a picture of the undergrowth at the bottom.

I will report back in a few hours or tomorrow to see if the leaves have straightened out and perked up a bit, I may need some help if anybody has some info...




Well-Known Member
I looked around on leaf problems, and discovered I have a bit of a Mg deficiency.

I am going to mix up a solution of Epsom salt, and spray the leaves with the solution... hopefully it will be an easy fix.

I call it an Mg problem because the leaves and tips are curling on the new growth... and some of the older growth is getting a little spotty.

Any comments are welcome, please post your thoughts.:-P



Well-Known Member
Does anyone have some remedies for Mg deficiency? the plant doesn't look any better after some of the foliar feeding and extra water with Epsom in it.

can anyone offer any information or assistance?
thanks : )



Well-Known Member
i dont know much about Mg deficiency...I try not to overdiagnose on minor probs..sometimes it's just the way it is..

ive never watered with molasses during veg. i thought that was just a flowering supplement.

I smoked 'planewreck' about 6 months was some good smoke.


Well-Known Member
I had some planewreck a few back as well... it was great,I vowed to grow some and I got hella lucky on this seed.

Check back in from time to time.... I update often;-)
thanks for stopping by, I will keep an eye on the leaves to see if the Mg def. gets better...
it isn't worse today... but no better either.

I will keep it up with the foliar feeding of Epsom water to see if it helps the little girl.


Well-Known Member
stop feedin ur plant molasses if u are, only feed it that like 2-3 weeks before harvest, for just a few days. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
She is still growing tough, but the Mg def is not getting much better. The leaves aren't loosing color and going brown, but they are still folded up, and getting a bit worse in that department.

I am foliar feeding the Epsom water, as well as pouring Epsom water in the tray so the roots can directly soak it up. hopefully the leaves straighten out in the next couple of days.

I upped the ante to 100 total watts of CFL, this should power her through the next couple of weeks of veg before I send her into flower mode. The topping of the plant was a great success... the node growth is booming

plenty of pics below... comments welcomebongsmilie

