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  1. J

    help getting my setup started

    ok looking for advice here im going with cfls for now im thinking hps or 8 4ft long floro tubes soil grow until after first crop at least where i would like some advice is how do i get a real set up started i dont want to grow from seed over and over and i find ScroG very very interesting that...
  2. J

    a HUGE but tiny problem

    id say not to be an asshat or anything but neither of you answered my questionas to if they would live or not which they wont i just got off work and all three look like they will turn into dirt in time so i learned my lesson on the dangers of the sun and the dangers of leaving babies in the...
  3. J

    a HUGE but tiny problem

    ok new grower doing indoor cfl/outdoor sun during the day for the 24 hour veg cycle and well lets say this is the first week with the seedlings and the sprouts had their 2nd day out doors my girlfriend said they would be fine outside she would take care of them while i was at school and i...
  4. J

    question for the future

    i dont think yall get what im saying i feel retarded i know to mix one fourth strength nutrients because my plants WILL die if i do what the instructions say my thing is i dont know what nutrients are at all do i mix them in the soil before i put the plant in do i put them on top of the soil and...
  5. J

    question for the future

    ive read quite a bit with my time here on riu and being a guy i just know nothing about gardening im sure most of you went through this when you got into growing talking to others about plants and finding it relative but awkward to be comparing tulips and cannabis but me my mother n law and...
  6. J

    stunted plant, do i clip these?

    these two plants had a bit of a shitty soil issue i feel bad cause im a new grower and didnt realize how terrible the soil was but i got the babies new soil and they are looking better already its just that most of their very first set of leaves are yellow and crusty and then the tips of some of...
  7. J

    question for you outdoor vets

    nope they wouldnt cause 2 of them sit on my porch and smoke with me so i just wonder about it and have slight paranoia. but thanks guys my girls loved the sun today.
  8. J

    drug test question

    ok taking a drug test got a friend donating me some clean urine and i have one question about this the temp what temp should it be and should i keep it cold until the morning and then warm it up in the morning microwave and then handwarmer? just looking for some advice from someone who's done...
  9. J

    question for you outdoor vets

    *bump* get off my thread they are just out for the great suns rays so they are in dixie cups and in a tuppaware container there are 6 of those and 2 in 1 gallon pots so i mean what would that look like anything really?
  10. J

    question for you outdoor vets

    i just started growing indoor but i read a thread last night about a guy who would let his ladies out on the weekends for some nice powerful sunlight since he was doing 24 hour veg anyways it would work just to put them straight back under the lights anyways my question i live in the back of a...