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  1. curto

    Burning the leaves?

    Yeah one things for sure is that these babies are compact... node's are so close together.
  2. curto

    Hawaiian Snow

    Just heard tony yayo taking about Hawaiian snow in a new song off a new mixtape Money 2 burn..............
  3. curto

    Burning the leaves?

    I just flushed it yesterday because a new leaf looked fert burned it was almost black...... so maybe it was just fertilizer burn.. I thought they would handle it... But I think it is the light to some extent since I had it almost touching since it was young.
  4. curto

    Can you breed a feminized seed-clone with a normal plant

    I googled it... and found this response from this forum... yes, you will get regular seeds. They still run the risk of a hermie if the genetics are not stable.
  5. curto

    Can you breed a feminized seed-clone with a normal plant

    thinking of breeding white widow with some other wicked feminized seed strain.. is it possible?
  6. curto

    Burning the leaves?

    Thanks guy's, damn I'm having way to much fun with this. Not happy about burning them so much... Didn't think it was that hot.. seems these 7000 lumen cfl's get pretty hot.. Lately I keep burning my arm on the stove... So yeah go figure... How long u figure I should wait before flowering if...
  7. curto

    Burning the leaves?

    I have been doing that.. didn't seem to be very hot, but I think the plant grows or ends up stretching to the light and burning... So anyway I'll just keep it back more... I burned some of the new leaf growth on one of the plants... Will this screw up its growing?
  8. curto

    Burning the leaves?

    I've been trying to keep the light 0.5 inches - 1 inch away.. Can't seem to stop burning them... now the lights at least an inch away... Think the plant will recover? Just leave the brown leaves alone?
  9. curto

    flowering fertilizer, african violent plant fertilizer okay?

    *bump I'll take no response as "sure"
  10. curto

    flowering fertilizer, african violent plant fertilizer okay?

    is this okay ? any reason it wouldn't be AFRICAN VIOLET PLANT FRTLZR, African Violet Fertilizer Improves quality of all African violets and other gesneriads Helps stimulate flower production Highest nutrient analysis, 8-14-9, of all major-brand liquid African violet foods, plus...
  11. curto

    I heard high temps stop growing, I disagree too

    I imagine its hot in Jamaica too or Texas, or California... Or huwaii
  12. curto

    I heard high temps stop growing, I disagree too

    I think temps from 90-100 f can survive and grow if u have no other option. Because sure plants may even stop growing if there too high of a temp.. but that doesn't mean they don't store energy and when you turn off the lights they will grow still... As long as they are a live.. Don't that make...
  13. curto

    Is it alright to rinse off a plant (watering the leaves and the stem and pregrowth)

    Scratch it.. I'll just blow the fan on them.. Don't fix it if it ain't broken.
  14. curto

    CFL placement; fan leaves or buds?

    Lol at "scronny plant" comment how long has it been under veg? (old thread wow).
  15. curto

    Nutrients needed at all for vegging 25 days?

    Yeah I never bothered transplanting I just planted them in the big pot... 2 of them.. they both look female.. fingers crossed, I know you can't tell when there young but they are both bushy, and yes I know how to tell from another thread... I hope the roots don't tangle and have...
  16. curto

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    Alright I give up... I just wanted to know who was right and who was wrong.. I really don't even care, other then I wanted to know who was wrong... So thanks for explaining.... May have to read this again tomorrow when I'm more interested.. But it's good were getting the info out..... Good...
  17. curto

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    All you said in that math formula is NOTHING TO DO WITH ACCUMULATIVE lumens... Your just explaining a formula for something else and trying to sound smart. Stop reading books and get a real education... I've read the same stuff you quoted.. BUT IT IS ALL IRRELEVENT because it doesnt address...
  18. curto

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    From another forum by gqmetalhead "Contrary to popular belief, it's just not the way it works, you can have 50 2000 lumens cfls side by side and if you use a luxometer to measure the light output it will only measure 2000 lumens. I've actually witnessed a demonstration of this." Me to...
  19. curto

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    From another forum by gqmetalhead "Sorry to burst everyone bubble, but lumens DO NOT add together, at least not in the sense that 2 cfl's that output 2000 lumens will be as bright as a 4000 lumen cfl's. Contrary to popular belief, it's just not the way it works, you can have 50 2000 lumens...
  20. curto

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    From what I read lumens do not add up... if you have 2700 lumens in one bulb even if you buy 50 bulbs you'll still have 2700 lumens per square foot.