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  1. jake blues

    New Grower, Old Smoker

    i`m not a dirt grower but i`ll try to get you headed in the right diretion.i think for a 1st grow any cheap potting soil would do.some folks say that miracle grow is high in nitrogen and it could harm your babys,but i have seen gardens do very well with it.when you get you soil pickup some...
  2. jake blues

    Cheap Lighting Sources

    golie34 if you try to compare cfl to hid you need to divide the advertised wattage by 3 so if you have a 100w cfl it would compare to 33.3w hid.what they are advertising is compared briteness to a normal bulb. but the enhanced specturm blulbs are almost useless for this hobby.
  3. jake blues

    The Beginning

    i don`t think that there is a min. long as it useable light.the cfl is useable but toss the standard bulb.your yield will suffer from that small light but you can still get a plant or 2 to grow.keep the light as close as you can to the top of the plant,without burning it(a few...
  4. jake blues

    Welcome New Members!

    thank you!
  5. jake blues

    Question about shipping

    as much as i hate to agree with him Vi has the right plan. although a safe addy would be better than where you plan to grow.
  6. jake blues

    Does Anyone Know?

    its all good it just some are better than others
  7. jake blues

    Welcome New Members!

    hello all:hump: