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  1. L

    Best Damn reservoir for DWC 2.0! Water temp issues resolved! See pics

    hey far as vegging goes....i am just waiting to regrow some roots, since i had to cut someroot mass of to maintain health, otherwise they would be in the bud room already. i started off under 600 watt Metal halide but there was too much heat. so i switched to flourescents for my...
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    Best Damn reservoir for DWC 2.0! Water temp issues resolved! See pics

    thanks stoney..luckily, i am only doing 12...i thought about recirculating....but i am a sterilization freak, and im sure i couldnt live thinking about what microbes i might of missed in all of them extra pipe fittings, grommets, valves etc. as far as my strain, i have some Master kush, ak-47...
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    Best Damn reservoir for DWC 2.0! Water temp issues resolved! See pics

    in my wildest dreams i might do as well as boomer! this is my first grow...ive learned a ton,...but i am still a newbie. Im trying to keep realistic hopes for my first grow. i would like 1.5 oz per i way too high or what??
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    Best Damn reservoir for DWC 2.0! Water temp issues resolved! See pics

    hi guys...its me again....i wanted to contribute back a little for all the advice i have been given on here. First off...let me say that i was inspired by bb57's idea with the coolers. Thank you BB57...without that crop would probably be in the garbage by now! However for me, the...
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    can you take clones from a plant that has been battlin root rot?

    hello guys...i am it a good idea to take clones from a plant that has been battling root rot?? the root rot seems to be under control now, i have nice white roots. I cut off a big mass of brown roots, and they seem to be doing better. so i am wondering....will clones from...
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    The battle with root rot!..desperately need advice please before i lose my crop! pics

    hi the title says...i have been battling root rot that set in when my water temps were 83 degrees. since then...i have got my water temps under control (76 degrees...i wish it were lower...but i think 76 is surviveable?? )..however, i am still losing the battle! until today, i...
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    after initial equiptment much do you figure it cost you to grow weed?

    hi doing learning alot.... however...a few weeks in, im realizing that chemicals will be a huge expense!! not to mention equiptment cose, electricity..labor in the end, aftre you guys have had a few grows under your belt, what do you figure it cost you to grow weed...
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    trying to reduce water temp ....what do you think of this idea...see pics

    hi guys...i have been fighting a losing battle with water temps being too high... boomer suggested an igloo cooler....i cant afford that right i found this thin bubble wrap insulation (not fiberous) with a reflective surface....i wrapped a few buckets for an experiment...but itll take...
  9. L

    Question about Vegging under T5 lighting...all help from experienced folk appreciated

    hello...i had been battling heat from my metal halides i bought t5 lighting (2 QTY - 4Ft x 2 FT 8 tube units.... they came with all 6500k lighting....i was going to buy some 2900k ( or whatever the low one is) ...and mix them up, i would have the warm and cool bulb..mixed...
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    leaves that flip upside down by nightfall, then are back rightside up in the morning?

    hi friends....i am wondering if my plant is trying to tell me something....each morning at 430 am...when the lights come on....the leaves on this plant are rightside up, .,..but by the end of each day...they are upside happens daily....other than that....they generally look pretty...
  11. L

    What is the best way to disinfect / clean airstones used in DWC really interested!.....what is the tabletop thing on top of your coolers,...where do you run the airstones in to it?? it recirculating??...i would appreciate any advice!....i have already been planning on moving to recirculating system next grow, but with all the heat problems...i...
  12. L

    What is the best way to disinfect / clean airstones used in DWC

    good guess.....yes...a lowes bucket....i am in vegetative stage...4-6 week old plants 6-14 inches the lowes bucket killin me?? i mentioned in another post...i am thinkinf of going florescent t5 tubes instead of metal halide for my veg cycle for the purpose of heat reduction...
  13. L

    What is the best way to disinfect / clean airstones used in DWC

    im waaaay hotter...more like 77 that surviveable? i was at 83 at one point...since then i have taken measures...i think thats when it went wrong...what is the max temp i can get away with?? in the end...i am going to have to turn my system into recirculating...
  14. L

    What is the best way to disinfect / clean airstones used in DWC

    the reason i even thought o that is because my roots are turning brown!!!....UGGH!...ROOT ROT!!!...UGGH!!! if i am changing the water every coupe days and changing it with fresh water with H202 additive...if i dont clean or change to a new stone....will i keep the rot going like that...
  15. L

    What is the best way to disinfect / clean airstones used in DWC

    hi...i am wondering if it is necessary to clean or disinfect the air stones....and if do i do it...i would reall appreciate youre advice. thanks....:weed:
  16. L

    what are the cons (if any) of vegging under t5 florescent (4 ft 8 lights)???

    hi folks....i have been fighting a temperature vs humidity battle in my veg room under my 600 watt metal halide.....( i have alredy tried evrything, inline fan, air conditioner, etc. etc) from what i hear, the HPS light is much cooler running, this true...if so..ill wrap up my ballast...
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    Deep Water Culture Question.. (83 Degree Water. Too Hot?)

    ok....i have been runnung the ac more constantly....its cooler....but the humidity is down to 30% .......still ok.....or way too low????
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    Deep Water Culture Question.. (83 Degree Water. Too Hot?)

    hi hoping to get some advice from those in the know.... im doing deep water culture in 5 gallon buckets, everything is goin pretty good, BUT, the temps under the light are about 88 degrees which is heating my water up to about 83 degrees. as far as the question goes....i know...