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  1. B

    is she legal yet?

    i'd be interested how you made it that small as well. did you go 12/12 from the start? what kinda light are you using?
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    do feminized seeds need less light?

    that's real helpful guys thanks.
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    what's up with my buds?

    miracle grow.
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    what's up with my buds?

    so im looking for clear trichs right? i thought it may be the strain too. ive just been using bagseed, so i just got some feminized seeds from the attitude seed bank. im hoping that helps.
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    i have a question or two. ive been growing in some premix soil and using MG for nutes. ive got a 400W MH sitting on a timer and that's it. (no mylar, ph meters, humidity guages, etc) the plants have been getting up to size pretty quickly, but the buds never really fatten up. its also taking...
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    what's up with my buds?

    i'm waiting until most of the hairs turn red/brown before i harvest, but the buds have been pretty light. they aren't the dense buds im used to. at first i thought this was a lighting problem, but i've upgraded to a 400W MH and im having the same problem. any ideas?
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    do feminized seeds need less light?

    The title really says it all. I've been experimenting with this for a while and it seems that if I give the bagseeds at least 18/6 or more that they will go female. i haven't been happy with the yields so i picked up some feminized seeds from the attitude bank, and im wondering if i can do a...
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    chi-town residah

    i hate to say it, but i would have to agree about some sort of job for tax puposes. thanks for repping the Chi. its always good to see some other locals. and im not sure what the etiquette is here...but im in need. think you can help? its the same name at gmail if you can. if not, i understand.
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    Kickin it in the windy city

    i a chicago native. born and raised. now im out in the western burbs (Aurora-ish). one thing i have to say...its all about the lights. don't waste your time with low power lighting. make the investment early on and save yourself the hassle. the time cycle matters too. if you're just trying to...
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    OK Here We Go

    i got a little bit of that too. i have mine indoors but i see these little bugs flying around the plants every now and then. i think they came from the soil.
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    hermaphrodite help

    hey all! this is my first post. i planted 4 seeds and got lucky. i ended up with 1 male, 2 females, and 1 hermaphrodite (i think). the hermaphrodite is the furthest along and has lots of flowers with the female sex organs, but i am seeing pollen clusters like i saw on my male. my problem is...