chi-town residah


Active Member
hello everyone hows it growin...jus stopping by to do a couple things tell you a little about me...rep my city proudly....and get to know some of you guys and gals a little more. My name...isnt important im 19 and ive had 4 grows under my belt 3 of them successful, the first two attempts were bagseed, and the other two were thai stck, and ak-47. both were amazing and that was the first time ive gotten that high and made a lot of money simultaniously. I love MARIJUANA if it came down to it id abandon everything i know and love to smoke marijuana i know most will disagree with that but thats your choice and ive already made mine! i dont work...i dont need to ive ben selling for 3 years and ive been doing just fine =)!!!!:joint:.....chicago is my home bet you like to know where wouldnt you! but ive ben all over the world and sure those places are nice dont get me wrong but chicago is where it is for me!!! chi town has great environment hot summers cold winters great people and most of all great weed!!! if your in chicago and your downtown theres just about anybody if not everbody slangin mary and i love that most dealers wouldnt like compitition but i love weed so much that i think everyone should try it at least 20 times before they bad mouth it...and if you still dont like it after those 20 time you should do two things, see a docotor your head is definately messed up...and two keep your mouth shut cuz there happens to be other people who do enjoy it! and finally ill conclude by saying ill try to help all you guys out with all the knowledge i have...with smuggling it in to chitown....cultivation techniques....and much more and im sure theres alot of people who feel the same way! so take care and have a grrrrrrreat day!...


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU
ima south bronx dude in south FL now (going back in 2010!!!!)
but ima tell u now, for tax purposes, u may want to get some kind of job, it makes u look less "suspect"


Active Member
i hate to say it, but i would have to agree about some sort of job for tax puposes.

thanks for repping the Chi. its always good to see some other locals.

and im not sure what the etiquette is here...but im in need. think you can help? its the same name at gmail if you can. if not, i understand.


Well-Known Member
Don't worrie about taxes, just don't file.
You save beers cans/live off a women/mom pays all the bills if ever asked.


Well-Known Member
Don't worrie about taxes, just don't file.
You save beers cans/live off a women/mom pays all the bills if ever asked.
yeah i guess you could do that but the more "upstanding citizen" you look the harder it will be to get a warrant, ask question etc.

nice 2 see u outside a political thread joepro



Active Member
lol id like to thank all of you for welcoming me! its nice to be excepted from all over i thought for sure everyone would be negative and verbally tear the city i love up lol but thanks to all and im sure ill be in touch with you guys in the future! peace happy growing ....merry toking....joyus bubbleing....and good day/night

and about my job problem i get paid under the table weekends in cash at a sports bar so the chances of ne thing going wrong is slim...not being negative i love constructive criticism


Well-Known Member
lol id like to thank all of you for welcoming me! its nice to be excepted from all over i thought for sure everyone would be negative and verbally tear the city i love up lol but thanks to all and im sure ill be in touch with you guys in the future! peace happy growing ....merry toking....joyus bubbleing....and good day/night

and about my job problem i get paid under the table weekends in cash at a sports bar so the chances of ne thing going wrong is slim...not being negative i love constructive criticism
naw not tryin 2 tear into u but i had a friend who lived in a hi rise apartment back in the bronx, he had 40 plant op going on in a rented apartment but for the first month he helped clean up gave food to the poor, was nice to the landlord so when he came 2 him about the electric bill he said he had hung up some floodlights so that "bad people couldn't get him" he also worked and "appeared" to live in his means so he didn't get any crap from cops cuz it was too hard to get a warrant on such a "value to the community" he once caught a officer videotaping the outside of the apartment, and reported it and now he's almost untouchable he makes 8k a month unbothered.

basically if u obey the law and go out of ur way to be a help, when u break it u wont get the book thrown at u as hard