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  1. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    Long, PICS?! :) Therion, GETERDUN! :hump: :peace:
  2. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    Therion, the bubbles just keep the water fresh, you need an internal water pump hooked up to water lines that go into each pot, they need to get water+food that way.
  3. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    therion, OH AND ONE MORE THING! make sure to SHAKE the nutes in the bottle very good before using. FF nutes are organic and all the good shit seems to sink to the bottom, if you dont shake it up all your doing is adding like green water to your, so SHAKE IT GOOD! :peace:
  4. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    Therion, Also, the net cups should not be submerged in water. You need a water pump pumping the water+nutes into the cups, like a drip line. then once the roots drop out of the bottom of the cup, you can take the pump out, cuz the roots will drink the water, but you only want water at the tip of...
  5. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    Therion, I think if you got to stealth and read there .PDF of instructions how to use the bubbleponic system it will help you a lot. I put in nutes whenever I cleaned out the resevoir, or about once a week, and In the bubbleponics system I'd use about 1 capfull on smaller plants and...
  6. gr33n thumb

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    average price in cali for an Oz. is 300 bucks. if you have no good hookups and just call someone who calls someone who calls someone, youll get a proper (28 grams) of dank cali bud for 300 bucks. I know so many growers so I have paid as little as 50 bucks for an oz. but I usaully buy in bulk...
  7. gr33n thumb

    Orange Bud Vs. Top 44 Bubbleponics. It's a RACE!

    This thread is pretty much dead. you can view our journal in the link below "check out my first grow"
  8. gr33n thumb

    VEG STAGE, LIGHTS: 18/6 ok. whatabout 20/4???

    Thanks. My reason is my vortex fan, and 1000w hps is in the room i sleep in. Its noisy and bright since its in our closet and not in a tent. I'll be switching to a tent to block the light, but the fans are loud. I wanted to set it to turn off at 10' o clock and then turn back on a 2am I figured...
  9. gr33n thumb

    Dmoz Cash Money Contest

    I did it and they sent me an email asking to reply and confirm my email address. Better get freakin accepted man. I need a new GROW TENT!
  10. gr33n thumb

    VEG STAGE, LIGHTS: 18/6 ok. whatabout 20/4???

    I have a 1000w MH vegging my little cloned ladies. Currently on 24 hours light. Question: what is the difference in growth and quality between 18/6 and 24 hours. Would 20/4 be better than 18/6? or is 24 just the best way to go. thanks. :peace: and happy growing.
  11. gr33n thumb

    LED LightBlaze 400 Grow

    why even post this on RIU if your just gonna get mad at everything anyone says. Maybe you should go buy a diary... BTW. Looks cool. good luck. :peace:
  12. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    hang in there therion. My first grow was a waste of time, I ended up with nothing. I gained a ton of expierience to make my second grow that much better. You'll do fine. weed is a forgiving plant. :peace: and luck
  13. gr33n thumb

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    this is all great fun when im high as shit. good entertainment, a bunch of crack head babble from some old war vets. I'll just decode the future using a special matrix of codes decrypted from the lost texts of Isiah. I'll let y'all know what happens... :peace:
  14. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    ok cool thanks longhorn, ill do that...Im out of town right now til like monday, got my girl watching the babies...I like leavng for days at a time, cuz when I come back I can really see the growth, amazes me every time... btw I put the SH system up on those 5 gallon buckets so it closer to...
  15. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    Well, I gave away my girls cuz I have the 1000w HPS running just to flower 2 runts...pointless i thought. So, I put in the 1000w MH bulb and started vegging my clones... Check 'em out. I got a question if someone can answer...I have the 1000w MH about 3 and a half feet from the plants...Is...
  16. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    Warlock Clones, and the 2 remaining stunted Top 44 females aggresively trimmed. 1000w hps! sweeeeet! a big ass metal halide light bulb.
  17. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    Welcome to the grow. As far as tap water goes, I have used tap water my entire grow and just recently switched out to reverse osmosis water. BUT I think tap is fine. My tap is from a lake and the PPM is pretty low, the pH is like 7.0 though so I use pH down. I've heard if you let the water sit...
  18. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    The way the bubbleponis works when you hav eseedlings with no roots yet is you have a water pump pumping water from the resevoir into the pots. so the level of water doesn't matter. You just need water constantly dripping on them til the roots drop. Then once you have roots in the resevoir you...
  19. gr33n thumb

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    WOOT! WOOT! :hump: I scored a 1000w digital switchable hps/mh complete setup. Lightly used. With a brand new hps bulb and MH bulb. Air coolable hood with glass.This guy traded me out for some "stuff". damn that thing is bright as hell. i got a high powered fan in there to keep heat down...
  20. gr33n thumb

    HID can i use a 400w bulb in a 1000w system?? help

    Mammal, That's not very good advise...put a higher watt bulb in a lower watt ballast???...uhhh that sounds dangerous...better re-think that there buddy.