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  1. gsspike

    Different looking leaves

    One ended up male and the other is female.
  2. gsspike

    Help Sexing

    Here are the pictures of the 2 plants I figured were female. They are looking good.
  3. gsspike

    Help Sexing

    Just as I suspected. Well I'll keep an Eye on the other 2 and have started 4 more seeds. The 2 males have just been granted free travel the the great mulch post in the sky or in other words they will be filling the skunk holes under the porch.
  4. gsspike

    Help Sexing

    I've added 2 more pictures 1 each of plants 2 and 3. I'm just not as sure this time as I was last batch. Wishful thinking I guess.
  5. gsspike

    Help Sexing

    I have taken 2 pictures of each of my 4 plants. I believe at least 2 of my 4 plants are male and two are to early to tell at least by me. Help me out so I can decide what is going into the shredder. And what I can clone right now.
  6. gsspike

    will this cfl work?

    I use CFL's. Figure 2 bulbs per plant. 150 watt/42
  7. gsspike

    Harvesting Male Plants

    As soon as I know if there are any males I can decide what to do. Maybe I'll put them outside and what ever happens happens.
  8. gsspike

    Harvesting Male Plants

    It's better than no weed in a pinch! I realise it's crap. It's just there when that's all I have. Again there is no legal issues for me, well unless they changed the law and made male plants illegal where I am, but when I left the State House last night both sexes where legal for me to...
  9. gsspike

    Harvesting Male Plants

    It's better than no weed in a pinch! I realalise it's crap. It's just there when that's all I have. Again there is no legal issues for me, well unless they changed the law and made male plants illegal where I am, but when I left the State House last night both sexes where legal for me to...
  10. gsspike

    Different looking leaves

    I still am not 100% certain but I think they are going to be male. I'm switching over to 12/12 sometime before next Wednesday. Probably right after that I'll know for sure.
  11. gsspike

    Brown leaves

    Well the plants are looking real good and I should be switching over to 12/12 by 3/11.
  12. gsspike

    Harvesting Male Plants

    Thanks! Hopefully I'm wrong and they don't turn out to be males. I should know in a week or so.
  13. gsspike

    Harvesting Male Plants

    I really didn't want to turn this into a debate on if males are worth smoking. I was a teen in the early and mid 70's and we smoked it all. I don't want males, but I might have 2 this batch, 50% of my crop.. I might have to use twice as much but it works and have proved it more than once...
  14. gsspike

    Harvesting Male Plants

    Before I hear don't do it I've done it before, I just need to know when they are at peak THC. I only grow 4 plants at a time and I'm not 100% sure yet but I think 2 of my 4 are going to be male. Yes I keep them in different parts of the house once I'm sure. The THC is low but not low enough for...
  15. gsspike

    Different looking leaves

    No nutrients for the last week and new top soil a week ago because my timed release soil released all at once.. I think your right about one being a male. I remember when I had a male before one of the plants stated off with big leaves but I can't remember if that was the male. Hopefully if I...
  16. gsspike

    Different looking leaves

    Weird! Well maybe I'l get giant buds. LOL!
  17. gsspike

    Different looking leaves

    Why do the leaves look so different between these plants? Same seeds started same time. As you can see the leaves are so much bigger on one of the plants.
  18. gsspike

    Brown leaves

    It's been a week of just watering after replanting to just topsoil and the plants look much better.
  19. gsspike

    Brown leaves

    Definately not low Ph, 7.3 sometimes 6.2, never lower.
  20. gsspike

    Brown leaves

    I know flushing is the normal way to go, but I tried that last time with poor results. Any way I went out and got some good top soil and swapped them over this morning. I have to say for plants that are only 4 inches tall the root system was huge. I lost a lot of them, hopefully they recover. I...