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  1. gsspike

    Brown leaves

    Should I use Top-soil or Potting soil to transplant them into?
  2. gsspike

    Brown leaves

    Funny how all went well the 1st time. Any way hope fully tomorrow I can get some plain soil and transplant them.
  3. gsspike

    Brown leaves

    :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:Before any one tells me to look at the pictures I have and I can't nail it down to one that fits. This is my 3rd crop. The 1st was perfect. 2nd and 3rd, this one. Followed same routine all three times Leaves start turning brown/yellow at tips...
  4. gsspike

    To All You MG Haters.

    Your right, sorry. After 2 1/2 days on the road I'm tired, cranky and misserable.
  5. gsspike

    To All You MG Haters.

    Marijuana Growing - gsspike's Album: 1st grow My album has been on line for months. I guess you haven't the knowledge to find and view it!
  6. gsspike

    To All You MG Haters.

    Marijuana Growing - gsspike's Album: 1st grow My album has been on line for months. I guess you haven't the knowledge to find and view it!
  7. gsspike

    To All You MG Haters.

    I'm using it in my first grow, following "More Buds for Less" and it's working out great for me also.
  8. gsspike

    Can I harvest to late?

    Well I hope I'm not going to be to late. I'm away for another week and wouldn't want to make the person who is taking care of things for me decide if they are ready. We are talking about only a few of the buds that were border line ready when I left a few days ago.
  9. gsspike

    Harvest just buds?

    Wow, how many times can I reveg them? What is the down side of that?
  10. gsspike

    Harvest just buds?

    Great, thanks.
  11. gsspike

    Harvest just buds?

    Can I harvest just the buds that are ready or do I have to cut and hang the whole plant?
  12. gsspike

    Can I harvest to late?

    Can I harvest to late? I'm going away and I feel some of the buds will be ready around or before the time I return.
  13. gsspike

    BOOK: Marijuana Buds for Less

    I have 4 plants, they range from a few days to maybe few weeks apart. This was do to 1st time learning curve. Should I just leave them all in a veg state until they all catch up or should I separate the ones that are behind and add them to the 12-12 cycle as they catch up in their own time...
  14. gsspike

    SOIL PH slow to lower

    OK, thanks!
  15. gsspike

    SOIL PH slow to lower

    My Ph testw says my soil was at 7.0. I lowered the water to 4.2, 3 days ago. My soil now says 6.5, "perfect I know". To me, admittedly not experienced with soil Ph only fish tank Ph feels that it's not low enough for the amount of watering I've done. Is my meter wrong or am I just asking for...
  16. gsspike


    Actually the 2 I started from the cubes look the best.
  17. gsspike


    The first 4 seeds no. It's My first time too. What I have now looks good. You can just start them in the cubes if you want. Next time I'll do them all on paper towels.
  18. gsspike

    PH-03(1) tester calibration

    I just got a PH-03(1)ph tester . It says to calibrate it in standard solution of phosphate 6.86 and then immerse the electrode in ph4.01 or 9.18 stentered solution of borax. Where do I get this stuff? Are they usually that far off?
  19. gsspike


    I found a sprout coming out of the soil with a plant already in it. I know there was only 1 seed in that pot. So not to let it go to waste I put it in a cube and set it in a pot. We'll see what happens. But for now I'm back up to 4 plants again.
  20. gsspike

    2 spoots 1 cube

    Well some how I'm back up to 4 plants. I found a sprout coming out of the soil with a plant already in it. I know there was only 1 seed in that pot. So not to let it go to waste I put it in a cube and set it in a pot. We'll see what happens.