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  1. gsspike

    2 spoots 1 cube

    I have 2 close sprouts coming out of the same cube. How do I handle that. With that one I have a total of 3 out of 8 seeds and don't want to waste it
  2. gsspike


    2-4 will make me happy. What happens if they are all male? If all turn out male are they of any THC value?
  3. gsspike


    Nope I didn't germinate them first, I put the seeds straight into the cubes. Patients, I know, I've been couped up to long. Watching grass grow has become exciting. </IMG>
  4. gsspike


    Well I opened the cubes just slightly and found 2 of the seeds did have these little white specs starting to break through the shell. I covered them slightly so they weren't as deep as they were. Still not a good percentage, but I'll be happy with 3.
  5. gsspike


    I am using those little cubes and you right, some of those premade holes are really deep. I hope that is it. I'll have to poke around a little.
  6. gsspike

    T5 High Output Fluorescent

    I really think 4 is minimum.
  7. gsspike


    Thanks, I've learned a lot here already.
  8. gsspike


    Hello, I'm Bob an Medical Marijuana user and hope to be grower.
  9. gsspike


    I know, I know, It's hard though after 3 1/2 months of a broken leg and knee. Two of those months unable to leave the house. I've seen every thing on TV 4 times, getting tired of PS3. All I have that's new is watching grass grow!!!! LOL!!!!!!!
  10. gsspike


    Maybe I'm being just to anxious. I also did keep them to wet a couple of times. I only want 3-4 plants. Really even 2 for my 1st time would be great.
  11. gsspike

    T5 High Output Fluorescent

    I really don't think 2 would be enough.
  12. gsspike

    Best places to buy cfl's

    I agree I am not a big fan of Walmart either, but sometimes you have no choice.
  13. gsspike


    I just put them straight into the cubes and kept them real moist 5 days ago. But only 1 out of 8, 1/3 of them I could see?
  14. gsspike


    It's been about 5 days since I put 8 seeds into cubes and only 1 seed has sprouted 2 days ago. ShouldI be worried?
  15. gsspike

    Recipe For Success starter kit

    It just doesn't explain things well enough for each step. Especially when that step is about roots. I guess I expected a beginners starters kit to be me detailed than a one page sheet for all those nutrients and stages. But thank God for this forum. </IMG>
  16. gsspike

    Recipe For Success starter kit

    That's what I thought and everything else goes in the soil.
  17. gsspike

    Best places to buy cfl's

    Just plain hard to find the Blue end of the spectrum in the higher wattage. Good to know about ACE there is one a few miles away. I find the cheaper for a lot of stuff.
  18. gsspike

    Recipe For Success starter kit

    I agree, sounds weird.
  19. gsspike

    Recipe For Success starter kit

    I've read it a few times and this one line is what confused me "spray plants with a solution of ROOT 66 and SugarDaddy"
  20. gsspike

    Recipe For Success starter kit

    When using the Recipe For Success Starter Kit is the "ROOT 66 and SugarDaddy Mix" the only stuff that gets sprayed on the plant and every thing else goes in the soil even the next step of Root 66 a lone or am I missing something.