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  1. Sytha

    Club 600

    it is a cooltube but it's fixed to the semi-enclosed hood. alot of cooltube hoods have a glass panel across the whole face of the hood which effects the airflow going out of the hood.
  2. Sytha

    Club 600

    Here's a semi-enclosed cooltube. It's just a cooltube running through a semi-enclosed hood.
  3. Sytha

    Club 600

    g'day to all you 600w lovers, I been growing aeroponics with 600w lights for a couple of years now (could never switched over to the 1000w for the lack of lumen per watt). Here's my current setup, 2x600w HPS Lucagrow bulbs with two semi-enclosed cooltubes. Got 2 Jack Herer's (on the right) and 2...
  4. Sytha

    Someguy15s Perpetual 1kw Pineapple Express & More

    nice grow reps
  5. Sytha


    got some nice looking buds there bro...give us a smoke report
  6. Sytha

    1200w HPS self-designed aero grow-Jack Herer (Greenhouse) and White Widow (Seedsman)

    Welcome all, Lighting: 2x 600w Lucagrow HPS Tent: 2x2 Metre Indoor Elements Fans: 2x 150mm Centrifugal (Intake and cooltubes), 1x 200mm Inline Fan (Exhaust) currently not in use due to noise. Switching to another centrifugal soon as i can afford it. 1x Oscillating Fan (Inside tent) Air Pump...
  7. Sytha

    Sick Jack Herer - Curled wrinkly but healthy looking leaves

    went to the pet shop and brought a water sample ph kit, cost 8 bucks. changed the rez and brought the ph down to 5.7. will post pix in a week to let u guys know if u were right
  8. Sytha

    Sick Jack Herer - Curled wrinkly but healthy looking leaves

    Ya it's JH alright. Ordered from online. The temps only hit the close to 35C early afternoon and drop to around 30C by nighttime. Havent had this problem before going at those temp's but i was growing a pure indica strain that time round. Dropped my Ph pen in the water a few weeks back so cant...
  9. Sytha

    Sick Jack Herer - Curled wrinkly but healthy looking leaves

    The temp is when lights are running is about 35C. Humidity is about 70 which is abit high but exhaust and intake fan is constantly running aswell as cooltube. Only running one 600w hps til the white widows are put in. Is it a nute problem?