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  1. kdox88

    Found in the grage

    someone needs to take a chill pill. this site is intended to help people, not for the bashing of fellow riu members.
  2. kdox88

    Sour Diesel is amazing

    finally i get my chance to try sour d for myself.
  3. kdox88

    Found in the grage

    ... can you type that in english. sorry, not trying to make fun of you but can you even read what you typed.
  4. kdox88

    Strawberry Cough

    ???? i thought clones lose vigor after about 8 generations or so. whatever still better than the shit i can get right now. if i dont do anything soon these mids are gonna kill me.
  5. kdox88

    Ergot spores

    lol, many lives have been lost to ergot. i believe it feeds on grains and was the reason for many deaths back in the day, i mean way back. try using Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. you can get lsa fairly easily as for lsd, unless you are a top notch chemist you'll probably end up fucking up...
  6. kdox88

    Sour Diesel is amazing

    wishin i had some right now.
  7. kdox88

    Sour Diesel is amazing

    lmfao, someone tried to tell me sour d was grown in diesel fuel the other day. that was one of the wackiest things i've heard in a while. lol.
  8. kdox88

    For everyone interested in growing poppies!

    i believe poppy seeds used for culinary purposes are precooked to remove the bulk of the alkaloids. it is rare to have the police show up at your door cause you have some poppies growing in your garden. even though they are opium poppies they are still common and can be very invasive. in fact my...
  9. kdox88

    Sour Diesel is amazing

    damn cant wait till i get my sour d... mmmmmmmm :weed:
  10. kdox88

    where's all the mescaline

    im planning on doin the same but it's only a few doses. eating the cactus or drinking the tea is pretty nasty. but it gives you a different trip.
  11. kdox88

    where's all the mescaline

    same here man. it seems like every week hallucinogens are become harder and harder to find. maybe it's just out of laziness, that people believe everything through word of mouth and wont do any research. like this week end a friend of my brothers ate moon pods because he wanted to trip...
  12. kdox88

    For everyone interested in growing poppies!

    thats whats up. you know your shit. best bet is to know the law before you break them.
  13. kdox88

    For everyone interested in growing poppies!

    crackerjax, i believe you are 100% correct.
  14. kdox88

    The Best High Activities

    i like to do anything productive, then do it again after i figured out i screwed up. is there anything that i don't like to do high??? nope, couldn't think of any.
  15. kdox88

    The Best High Activities

    lol, that's priceless.
  16. kdox88

    What the Hell is this and why??

    them bastard always seem to find their way around. aphid= bad. good luck with that man.
  17. kdox88


    lol, cough syrup with codeine dummy. and you can lace blunts with straight codeine. just dissolve, soak, dry, smoke, then get real high, lol.
  18. kdox88

    Firecrackers(no the firework)

    sounds like another baking project for me. lol, i'm gonna put that i my recipe book later tonight if i remember.
  19. kdox88

    Best commercial strains - See mine!

    i though bubba kush was clone only?