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  1. S

    how do "YOU" feel about Obama with Marijuana laws????

    i did not no that about his wife haha yeah it is funny but i heard it come out of his mouth o_O
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    how do "YOU" feel about Obama with Marijuana laws????

    no no no no i ment was it is "100% not a drug". It is a medication i use it for my anxity and panic attacks i used to not be able to leave the house now i can "ALMOST" go do anything. a drug is crack or something made in your fucking bathtub. not sumthing that grows in my backyard like my...
  3. S

    how do "YOU" feel about Obama with Marijuana laws????

    thats true McCain was saying " I will Veto every singel beer " so I dont think he woulda liked the green or them "Long haird freaky people" haha clintion with his I did not inhale only got it worse so I was hopeing with someone who did inhale they might look at it as a medication insted of "a...
  4. S

    Hygiene please

    Maybe.....Maybe not.......:mrgreen: whatever makes me look beter =)) hahaha
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    Baked and with a question about Hash methods!.

    Pollen is another way of saying kief,keef,keaf,kif,crystals,THC,resin,thrinches or how ever its spelled... :peace::joint:
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    Hygiene please

    yes sir its called good weed =) :peace::joint:
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    Baked and with a question about Hash methods!.

    Ew butane and these presses i've heard of really do the job eh?????
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    Baked and with a question about Hash methods!.

    Bump Bump Bump...
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    Hygiene please

    mhm most people now days have no "Common Sence" :peace::joint:
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    how do "YOU" feel about Obama with Marijuana laws????

    What is you opinion on Obama and marijuana laws? Do you think H.R- 5842 OR 5843 have a chance now??? Since he used when he was younger he would relize that marijuana is not the fucking "Devil Weed" your ideas on this please. Thank...
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    Hygiene please

    What he means Tom & just like I said earlyer you put rubbing alcohol and epsom salt inside the glass why is that hard to understand???? then shake the shit out of it pour it out rinse it out with hot water about 3 times and fill with cold water and go again.... you can do this with every...
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    Hygiene please

    Rubbing alcohol + Epsom salt + Lots of shakeing = purdyful can get them both at the pharmcey area of your store around the bandages
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    post your smoking utensil

    Hey all just thought I would take the time to show my "main" utensil... Don't worry I "ALWAYS" clear it quick right after the photo! Stale smoke = YUck! peace:peace::joint:
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    Baked and with a question about Hash methods!.

    Bump Bump Bump...
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    Baked and with a question about Hash methods!.

    Alright so my Pollen Catch is pretty full and was woundering whats the best hash method to use for the pollen from your grinder??? I've heard of "Shoe Hash,Iso Hash,the oven method hash... but which is the best for good hard potent hash? My first attempt at making hash failed, and it came out...
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    first ever grow

    I'm an Okie too ill be following along with your grow! :weed: :clap:Subscribed.
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    Question about my bong and adding an ashcatcher to it.... (pics)

    Bought my "Big-Blue" for 44$, very thick glass and have had it since I was 16(for 3 years) and looking for an ashcatcher or to see if it could even have one now.. It's 14" tall, any ideas on what kind or size of an ashcatcher or does any of this even matter. and thats really all I know to say...
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    Mushrooms all over my property around tree stumps?help (PIC).

    thank you sirs or ma'ams!!!!bongsmilie
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    Mushrooms all over my property around tree stumps?help (PIC).

    mushrooms everywhere on my land and around cut down tree stumps. no bruising or anything so far. I would like to know if they are poision or yummy-fun. please advise! (if no one knows they are trash i will not eat a random mushroom with no knowledge!)
  20. S

    Increasing female production?

    How would you go about adding more nitrogen to seedlings?? mine have been out of the soil for 5 days and supposedly (higher levels of nitrogen in the first two weeks of the plants life increases female production.) could i add ash or something of the sort that I would have on hand nothing...