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  1. S

    Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?

    The banking industry needed fixing too. It didn't get fixed, now look at us. The market is making the correction for us and a lot of ppl are hurting. No matter how we tried to fix it, some ppl would have been hurt. Doing nothing only makes it worse when the hammer comes down. The health care...
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    Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?

    I'm not saying socialism is the answer or even close. The fact is, the current system is broken badly. It's not if it needs fixed, but how and when. I don't have a clue how to fix it. But I didn't know shit about growing until someone smarter than me helped me out. We need the same thing with...
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    Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?

    Something has to be done about health care. 25 years ago I made the same money as a registered nurse friend of mine. (I'm a service teck) Today I make half as much. There is no logical reason for this except that ppl "need" her more than me. Does that mean she deserves to double her salary...
  4. S

    Lightening for 20 plants.

    Led's seem to be too expensive and experimental at this time. Most ppl use mh for veg and hps for flower. You can get a switchable ballast to go from mh to hps when you flower. or another option is straight hps though out your grow. not optimum, but pretty good.
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    Lightening for 20 plants.

    More yield requires more light. Imo you will need at least 2X1000 watt lights to grow 20 to 30 plants. 10 to 15 under each. looks like u have the room. That's good. There are a lot of opinions about multiple 600's instead of 1000's. I like that fewer lights mean lower costs and room design...
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    Lightening for 20 plants.

    I doubt your going to do big bud any good with leds. Also my experiance with big bud is don't let them get too big in veg or you will run out of head room.
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    a little respect for each other

    ]What most of you are forgetting is that a somewhat large percentage of ppl on this forum are high. Some are just kinda high, some are real high. It's what we do. Some do it for need, some for greed and some just because they can. I like this forum. I think there are lots of ppl trying to help...
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    Damn old people...

    QUOTE=bikeguy;2790374]Yea i guess its like that, except for me.. i almost like it, seriously lol I don't know if that makes you brave or stupid? I guess we will call it bravery till you get caught. Then I will let you decide what it was.
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    5-0 stories

    Sounds like your husband is one of those ppl that claim not to smoke but with a little help from his loving, hot boxing, wife you both get to pretend. why can't ppl just be honest.
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    Marc Emery, "Prince of pot"... Busted!

    I think Marc Emery Pissed off the wrong ppl and that was that. No one will ever know the truth about all the backstage crap that goes on before and after a warrant is issued. It pisses me off that my govt would spend that kind of money on going after a seed seller. It shouldn't surprise me when...
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    Damn old people...

  12. S

    Damn old people...

    Ppl who don't actually grow couldn't understand the paranoia that going to the public place with grow related equip. Maybe others don't know what that jug is used for but that feeling is still in the back of your mind. then When some guy gives you the "eye" your mind races to find out why. I...
  13. S

    Who Created Hell?

    IMHO I don't think the rich suffer as much as poor ppl. But I do think that Poor people can be happier than rich ppl. One of many reasons would be because of the family/friend connections that the poor have. Kinda like war buddy's just trying to make it though. Makes you closer to other people...
  14. S

    my girls are too hot

    More plants will cause other problems that have to be overcome. (humidity, light penetration, air circulation, Etc. That's what makes this such a great hobby. Always something that has to be thought out or over come. It's very rewarding to me to see something grow and thrive due to my actions...
  15. S

    Who Created Hell?

    I feel "most" ppl do the best they can, or are able to do. It's easier to blame the poor and uneducated ppl in the world for their own fate. There is so much more to ppls lives than just being stupid or lazy. Other ppls brains may not be making all the connections your brain is and thus not be...
  16. S

    my girls are too hot

    4 plants would be happy with 1 600 watt. room should stay cooler with one. if you can get the temp down to around 90 with co2 at 1500 PPM you will be fine.
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    sexing a fresh clone

    Once clones have rooted they are mature in every way. They can be flowered at 12/12 right after the roots are established. people with very low growing area do this all the time. Afghan seems like a great plant. good luck
  18. S

    Too many clones??

    In answer to your original question.......You can take as many clones off a mother plant as you want. It doesn't effect the clones. The mother maybe stressed if you take too many, but given time she will recover. I have taken enough clones off a small mother to have to put her out of her misery...
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    Seattle Hempfest 09

    Hempfest is great. Cops all over and ppl still smoking out. U won't get arrested unless you blow the smoke in a cop's face. I think the laid back police attitude is due to the prior police chief, Norm Stamper. You might recognize the name. He's Obama's new Drug czar. He was, and is, pot...
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    Will Ozone degrade the bud while curing?

    Other than making the bud less smelly what other problems are you referring to? I ask because I don't know.