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  1. L

    Light Of Jah far..

    Just wanted to run this by you guys...bought 10 Light Of Jah seeds, all 10 sprouted. One was very poor and never even shed the seed cask so I pulled it. Out of the 9 left 4 were male and 1 was hermie (female). That leaves me 4 females out of 10. Don't know what the deal is with the hermie...This...
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    Super thrive

    I use a full cap full to a gallon..never had a problem. Don't know if it helps or not Ive' used it from my first grow. Was highly recommended by a long time grower.
  3. L

    Delete My Account

    Ya know guys after reading all these posts about "fussin & fightin" and calling the cops... I just realized that being old has a few being is that you're pretty much mellowed out and fights don't amount to much anymore. It's like "well fuck you...well fuck you too" and...
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    Growing Some Seed

    stonegrove....Not sure I understand your question. I just want to pollinate 1 female for seed but still grow her out with the unpollinated ones.... rockfish........thanks for the info...
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    Growing Some Seed

    Hi Growers........I am about 10 days into 12/12 with 12 plants. I have noticed 3 males coming on. I would like to sacrifice 1 female to make some seed. When I pull the males out could I put 1 male back under my veg light at 12/12, wait for pollen and take a female and pollinate her, put her...
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    Seeds have germinated, now what?

    Rule the research... Rule #2... then grow the plants... Rule #3....then ask questions when you have a problem..
  7. L

    F#cken BS...nirvana seeds cracked but not sprouting...BS

    Soaking seeds...sinking seeds...Iv'e always used the paper towel method..never had a problem popping seeds, use a spray bottle to keep the towel damp, not wet...It may take a few days but be patient..just my experience..
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    nirvana-shop To HempDepot???

    ymz......You really know how to rub it in...1 or 2 stamps won't get me out of my the states...Hope all goes well with you my friend........
  9. L

    nirvana-shop To HempDepot???

    ymz........I have bought from a couple of seed shops in Amsterdam before I bought from Hemp Depot.... Hemp Depot is just as good as Amsterdam in every way. Stay close to home....stimulate your own economy....LOL.. the U.S. is stimulating everyone else's economy but it's own...
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    nirvana-shop To HempDepot???

    ymz.......Didn't mean any disrespect with the "eh".....We U.S. guys don't mind stimulating the economy of our Canadian brothers...we just wish we had all those seed companies available to us in our own back yard like you guys do.........
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    nirvana-shop To HempDepot???

    YMZ........was that "eh" a dead giveaway that I was from the States ??
  12. L

    nirvana-shop To HempDepot???

    Iv'e used Hemp Depot twice and never a problem. Good selection-good prices.
  13. L

    Having to deal with law enforcement real soon

    The apartment was empty ??..Nobody bothered to lock the door ?? The cops just invited themselves in ?? Iguana story ? WTF.... You gotta be shittin me...
  14. L

    Having to deal with law enforcement real soon

    Well whatever you decide to do with the equipment....the next thing I would do is get rid of one dumb ass room mate that lets the party get out of hand and then leaves to do some other shit. You might think that's harsh but you are the one left holding the bag.. He can just walk away.....
  15. L

    Transplanting before flowering?

    I transplant from 4" deep pots to 3 gallon about a week before 12/12. The plants are from 8" to 12" in the 4" pots. Never had a problem doing it this way. End product is always great. Just my experience..........
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    Gardenman is right, my humidity has never been over 50%. Never had a mold problem, plants always do great. Just my experience...
  17. L

    Hemp Depot

    Iv'e ordered from them twice last year..AK47 and C99. No problems at all..shipping was 10 days.
  18. L

    Anyone have info about big sur holy weed

    kaya.. I just recently found 8 northern lights #5 seeds that I had stashed away some 10+ years ago. Only 2 sprouted and 1 was very wimpy and died. The only one left is healthy but looks a bit small compared to the ak47 seedlings it is growing with. I use the paper towel method for...
  19. L

    not sprouting wasssup?

    I have never had seeds take more than a week to germinate. Sometimes they only take a day or so.These may be toast by now. I use the paper towel method also. The towel should be damp but not wet..I use a spray bottle. Just my experience..
  20. L

    Hillary Clinton

    What's really sad is out of the over 300 million people in the U.S.A. These are the best we could come up with ?? I mean there has to be many more people who would be qualified to run this Country. Where are they ?? We are stuck with all the same talking heads who will say anything to get...