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    little advice please

    with that part that had fallen off I did go ahead place it in a cup and am trying to let it take root again but we will see what happens.
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    little advice please

    Thinking back about it, it's about 5 weeks now in Veg stage. So this is my first grow just to throw that out there so would it be a bad idea to flower now or should I let it veg more?
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    little advice please

    Also for my next grow I am going to switch soils because its very wierd about 1 to 3 inches can be dry on top but if I reach deep down the soil is still very full of moisture. I only have a walmart or a tru value to go to so I can't get special soil much.
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    little advice please

    Nowitall: Would it be any benefity if I flowered right now? I dont know if I should at the moment or if I should try to grow it out more I have a good amount of room I'm just worried cause of that branch falling off and almost all tips are turning yellow if something is starting to go seriously...
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    little advice please

    shit came home and something has fallen and hit a part of my plant. It was just hnaging on there by a little so i pulled it from the major stem is she going to be ok??? What to do?:cry:
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    little advice please

    Hello, Been growing this for about 4 weeks now and am not sure if this plant is ok or if I'm catching something little early. It may be nitrogen burn on the tips but not too sure and not sure why the leaves are drooping so much. As of now I am goriwng with MG moisture control and have been...
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    Hello heres another update. Going on week 4 of my adventure. Quick question my tips of my leaves on some of them are turning yellow I have posted pictures please help me fix this problem? Any ideas.
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    Hell been ahwile but here's an update and I got a close up of the stems is this looking female?
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    Here's another update: New leaves coming in fast but i'm not sure if they should be curling like they are??? I believe the bottom leaves are gonna be goners they seem to barely be hanging there. I went ahead and gave 3 shots glasses of water today we wsere getting dry.
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    Ok thanks for your replys if you wanna follow my grow it would be appreciated I have the lights about 1-2 inches away and am going to hold off watering now until we get dry. I;m running 24/7 lighting right now seen some posts that 18/6 is better and 24 hour is just a waste. Anyone have opinions...
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    Ok so if I hold off watering and move lights closer maybe I have a chnace to save? :(
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    Here's a update I'm not sure it seems to be getting worse leaves are frowning and starting to curl I can't seem to figure out what may be wrong :( Could I be over watering? Should I not mist the leaves?
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    To add: I went ahead and did a switch I now have 4 daylights 6500k running and 2 soft white 2700k lights running but I'm not sure that this was the cause of the leaves frowning any suggestions would be appreciated.
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    Hello All, I have my room set up: I have a 3 light ballast attached to it is 3 y adapters. I have 6 100watt equvilant day light 6500k bulbs on one plant. I know I should've done more but I have a feeling maybe this will work I'm hoping :) Room is wrapped with emergency blanket. Soil...
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    and also what watts should i get to get the best results. Pretty much I just need a basic shopping list and I'm going to get them I believe if I use splitters I'll have enough space for 6 lights is that enough for one plant?
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    ok so first starting out how many lights should I use and of what specturms? I will only be trying this for one plant right now? Also What is a good type of soil i should use I only have a walmart to go to :(
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    New CFl Grower Needs advice

    Hello, I'm looking into doing a cfl grow. I just need a little help to get this started. I am going to be growing in a closet only gorwing one plant and maybe two somewhere down the road. My plan is to buy a 3 light ballast for a bathroom and maybe some y adaptors if need to run my...