New CFl Grower Needs advice

make sure you put a fan on her to strengthen the stem and have some air circulation and get you a thermometer to monitor your temperature try to keep it high 70's to low 80's


Active Member
go ahead and put a few books or something under your pot..cfls work better when about an inch away from plant

I have a very similar set up, but contrary to everything I've ever read, the CFL's are giving off enough heat to burn the plants at an inch or 2 from the top... why is this? My internal temp is sitting at around 80 degrees F, but right at the plants, its 95F... At first i thought it was the brand I was using, but eliminated this theory by switching thru GE, sylvania, and some off brand.


Active Member
sounds right. I do a lot of tomato gardening, and in this part of the world, sometimes I have to cover my plants (outdoors) because of the massive amounts of rain. Yellow leaves is usually one of two things, over watering or under watering... since your saying you think your over, your probably right. Just cut back. The top of the soil doesn't have to be wet, it's the roots that need the water. Try to stick a tooth pick into the soil after ground level goes dry. When you start to get dry at one inch into the soil, it's time to water. That's just my personal opinion from tomato growing, i'm a rookie with bud, but i'd assume that the same theory would work.