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    Grow site problems.

    how do you know if the site is below the water table?
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    Grow site problems.

    the problem is ive looked a lot of places and cant find shit. every spot is too close to people. and i cant afford driving to the mountains every day almost to water... does anyone have any tips to look for. i know this is really broad question. but i need some help
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    Outdoor Growers - Now's The Time To Scout Your Area

    this helps soo much. how can you tell if the site will get good sun? and how do you know if the soil is good?
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    Tiny fans?

    can u buy those seperately and where?
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    Plastic cup

    i just started a plant its like 2 inches big. its in a plastic cup full of seed starter mix. when i water it the top white nutrients and stuff start to turn like brownish. is that bad? and should i like poke holes in the bottom?
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    Tiny fans?

    no such thing as a 1 inch fan. but something that can replicate it idk... little desperate.
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    Tiny fans?

    how small of a fan can you buy? i need like a 1 inch one... and crazy quiet..
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    Growing Site

    ? uh it varies. west of the rockies... haha idk what your asking. my site will be for sure facing south if i can. but i need to balance it out with what kind of terrain i need.
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    Growing Site

    should I grow in pots? or should i dig a big whole (line it with tarp?) bring my own soil?
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    Growing Site

    I live in washington, and am planning on growing in the foothills kinda. Id like to find a waterfall or stream to connect airline tubing and set a drip water setup to continuosly water the plant. because i will not be able to make it to the site as much i should. my question is what other...
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    First Grow Journal -- Blueberry

    are you still going ? i want to see how much u got out of them
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    I think it's a girl...confirm please

    cant he keep the leafs and cook with them?
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    outdoor plans prep

    k. last question would be. should layers of different kinds of soil be in the bucket. so it can drain or do the plant better?
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    outdoor plans prep

    so is this site un suitable?
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    outdoor plans prep

    I was wondering if this is a good idea? this is off a lake no one really goes on ever. and what kinds of soil should i get? Im just worried the roots wont be long enough at first to tap into the water. if u step in this stuff you sink a foot. so its always going to have water. its really...
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    clear out a field vs. field

    the spot is off of a lake in a private area. this lake is completley secluded. the location is on a bog. a spongy surface with a lot of water so you need waiters to get to it. that elminating other ppl nosing around. and maybe helicopters fly over but idk if they are checking for plants. 6...
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    clear out a field vs. field

    #1.So do you guys think i should just clear out a semi big field in the middle of the woods. or. #2. should i just go to a big clearing where it should get a lot of sun. the two locations have a water source near them. but #2 would most likely get more sun..
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    stealth grow

    well there semi cool about weed, and Im not stupid enough to let a fire happen. but I have decided to do a outdoor grow i just need a place so i can germinate. get them started then take em outside. not that much.
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    stealth grow

    yea my other grow op was seized by my parents so I need a new spot. If there are any ways to secretly grow in the house I need some ideas. Otherwise I will have to wait till spring and grow outside. and outdoor grows will fail most likely...