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  1. artist

    lights came on when they weren't supposed to during (12/12)

    light came on when they weren't supposed to during (12/12).... they stayed on for like 5 hours... is this going to effect my grow?? oh they're are 3 weeks into flowering
  2. artist

    Tired of the brown roots leading to rot?

    bro you saved my girls thank you so much for the post
  3. artist

    leaves drooping except the top... over fert-or over water?

    turns out i had root rot from the male that was in the same pot... I cut him down a while back... and how i trans planted it and removed as much of the dead root as I could hopefully it will live
  4. artist

    leaves drooping except the top... over fert-or over water?

    see thats weird because i watered it and the droopyness went away... but the curling of the leaves didn't
  5. artist

    leaves drooping except the top... over fert-or over water?

    so you think its overwatering?
  6. artist

    leaves drooping except the top... over fert-or over water?

    So i noticed to day that the leaves were drooping really badly and before today i noticed that some of the leaves were hardcore curling down on the sides of the leaf. I asked people what they thought it might be a few days ago and they told me that it could be over watering or over fertilizing...
  7. artist

    Flowering questions

    not sure it's been a couple of years since ive been there.... it's downtown a few blocks from the library those were my stompin grounds back in the day
  8. artist

    You tell me what the problem is...

    in other words the wrong portions of fertilizer were getting in so there was too much of N or P or K
  9. artist

    You tell me what the problem is...

    So I got an electric soil tester today and it tested at 7.0 so i got some lime and applied it to the soil hopefully that will lower the ph and i figured that since it is too high the fertilizer was building up and couldn't get to the roots very well hence the curling ofthe leaves so i think i...
  10. artist

    Spider mites

    i couldnt tell you but i feel your pain on that one man... the last two times i grew they were stolen from me...
  11. artist

    bug bites on leaves

    you could get 3 in 1 garden spray
  12. artist

    I have one clone going...

    i noticed that you didn't have a bigger pot to set you pot in... thats what i was trying to say.... and once you set it in the pot just cover that ... the whole point is to try and make as much of the water stay in as you can.. and remember don't over water the plant (as far as the soil goes)...
  13. artist

    You tell me what the problem is...

    im getting a cool cab tommorrow so i'll hav3e HPS
  14. artist

    You tell me what the problem is...

    Flowering under CFLS
  15. artist

    I have one clone going...

    maybe you could try this. take a pot cut one hole on each side (small) cover the top with syran wrap place you clone's pot inside and put it all under a Daylight CFL ... also make sure you cut the bottom leaves off and only leave the top two sets. Without roots the plant won't be able to make...
  16. artist

    You tell me what the problem is...

    IT's flowering now under CLF's
  17. artist

    You tell me what the problem is...

    I can't figure out why the leaves are curling up/down and some of the leaves are super dark green and I'm pretty sure I haven't been over feeding... not 100% sure
  18. artist

    Flowering questions

    word you just made my day... thanks... by the way I miss eugene.... you ever heard of cafe paradiso??
  19. artist

    Flowering questions

    spliff??? what do you mean?