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  1. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    Cheap 6" fans $55: Got it in 4 days from aussie which was good cause i had to turn my second 400w hps off because of the heat. Already had one of these.
  2. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    Nah, a 600w is twice as bright as a 400w but only uses 1.5x the power. I am bidding on a 400w at the moment because i don't really want to buy a new 600w for $200 just yet but that's the light i want.
  3. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    Can't decide whether i want to buy a car and waste 10 plants on a 1 year old bulb or use some of the $ to buy a 600w hps to go with my 400w and harvest over a pound
  4. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    We have
  5. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    It's not that complicated. Unless you live here you wouldn't want to know. Dotcom formed his own political party, which is an obvious attempt to avoid extradition. He's just on his usual warpath against the prime minister. Most voters were pretty pissed with his attempt to interfere with the...
  6. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    Looks perfect. Green stems, green leaves. Is that with the nitrosol still?
  7. dimebong

    I used a steak knife out of the kitchen. I just stabbed in through the ceiling and started...

    I used a steak knife out of the kitchen. I just stabbed in through the ceiling and started cutting. Drywall is pretty easy to cut through. A drywall knife would cut the cleanest hole. If you need to fix it take it to the hardware store to get the paint color matched, then you'll be able to buy...
  8. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    I've tried that with 99%, it just smears it all over my fingers. It might work well if you've just touched few plants but if your fingers are caked in resin the best method i know is to scrape it off and wash the hands in a sink full of hot/warm water with soap and an abrasive sponge. Time...
  9. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    I went to the supermarket to get a snack in the middle of harvesting and left my fingers covered in resin cause it's such a cunt to wash off, thinking it didn't smell that bad. The cashier and the women behind me told me i smelt strongly of marijuana, how embarrassing lol. I could only imagine...
  10. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    Just different feeding requirements. It's not the strain that's making them look like shit believe me. The first two look ok so you've nearly got the nutrients dialed in right for those specific plants. They're definitely showing no signs of overfeeding so i'm gonna guess the shit ones are...
  11. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    It's most likely possible to keep a plant going for 10 years. Some people have had mothers vegging for years, they don't let it grow out of control though, they prune the roots and growth.
  12. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    How much you feeding? try upping you nutrients a tad. The top end of your plant is exactly what mine look like when they're begging for food, then i up the nutes and the leaves start to perk up within a few days.
  13. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    you could buy guano superbloom from switched on but the npk ratio isn't ideal.
  14. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    I wouldn't even bother with outdoors without some wheels to get out of the burbs and into the country.
  15. dimebong

    Need help diagnosing problem :)

    If it's fresh soil it's not salt buildup. People here always shoot for the most complex explanations for such simple problems.
  16. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    lol why are you spraying powdered rock on the leaves? It doesn't dissolve in water, it just suspends in water. You'd be better off picking up a $3 bag of epsom salts from the supermarket, but that will only tackle mag.
  17. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    Definately keen to try an outdoor grow this year now that i've got some wheels and extra seeds to waste.
  18. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    My plants needed to be watered about twice a week so i fed once, then watered with plain water for the rest of the week. You'll get the hang of the feeding after a couple of harvests and i'm sure you'll be able to judge when to up the nutes. The most obvious sign on my plants when i need to up...
  19. dimebong

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    The slow release ferts don't really cause problems with feeding in my experience, it just lasts too long and i like the medium to be nutrient free for the last week and a half of flower. The cheap slow release nutes usually aren't enough to feed the plant so you have to dial in the nitrosol, you...