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  1. H

    12/12 Club Show off Your Girls

    well i love the idea of this 12\12 thread .before i post my pics just have to say i think it was rocket man get that mildew fuzzz taking care of bro i just use indoor garden sprays from walmart they have neem oil which i have had gl with . but yea id hate to see mold or botrytis apear on that...
  2. H

    Buds finished, immature seeds?

    idk much on the water cureing. but i too have a crop of 8 that had gotten seeded i was quiet pissed off when i saw them but im in the 4th week of flowering and mine look okay but i have not quit using nutes yet but some of them are just still getting bigger . the main thing when u have seeds...
  3. H

    large scale T-5 grow

    hey 1982 wuts up bro i like the sounds of everything so far i havent even finished the whole thread but i think im gonna start getting some t5s saved up for a big bang too . im gonna stay postted on this thread let us know wut happens
  4. H

    My PC Grow

    fuckk im to high shuda read the hole post i got some advice since u already stripped it pretty well just start putting some intake/exhaust fans in and start adding reflective material k , then ur lights up top use a 70w to 150w hps for flower or some 2700k cfl like 150w actual and ull have a...
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    flowering problem

    ohh yea im also gonna build a dwc garden next time to ill just build a supped up cfl grow like reflector with all the lights under it should work lol. and i def wont smoke the seeds lol. stay high
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    flowering problem

    yea i totally agree on the more light = more bud for sure. i just cant use n e thing besides cfl wha wha its not to bad . but those are the actual wattages the 65w is comparable to the 500w ncadescent the 85 w to a 700w ncadescent . the 65w it 4000lum and the 85w is 6000+ i know thats descent...
  7. H

    Need opinion, new grow room +rep to all help!

    dude i use to build roofs and if thats ur attic it should have sufficient ventilation at the hip ( that point at the top of the roof should have vents leading outside so just put a fan there and u should be fine ) gl
  8. H

    flowering problem

    fuckit those are my babys purely grown under cfl the white thing is 85w actual the brown one is 65w, then 3 27w 3000k, 2 20w daylight 5500k close to 250w actual , i mean it works just next time i neet to lst a little better i did it but screwed up. so u grow and learn lol . literally. any...
  9. H

    flowering problem

    k im a post a couple of pics one will be a seeded bud and the other of the only plant that wasnt seeded (yay) but ill post them shortly, k i cant figure this shit out so wait i got it i think [/ATTACH]
  10. H

    flowering problem

    ive been flowering 4wks as of 3-10-09 and ill post some pics so u can see some of them look realy nice i think first grow. its all mixed seeds ive found in realy dank bags some coming from south cali. so im gonna keep all the seeds fo sho i cant order seeds here in tx( it sux but weve got some...
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    flowering problem

    yea i totally agree on that i just was hoping for fatter buds- calyxes u know i appreciate it ill post pics when im thru they are decently covered with crystals
  12. H

    Texas Growers Unite!

    hey realy quick since 420 is not on a weekend are they still doijng the festival in 09. just trying to plan my trip i smoked stawberry cough all last year at the festival its bombass shit. the best peeps in the world go there
  13. H

    flowering problem

    anybody have advice? its my first grow plz help
  14. H

    flowering problem

    well i have 8 plants and all females but one turned out to be hermie and polinated like half of all the fruit:bigjoint:. now since some of each plant is producing seeds will it affect my yeild or prolduct any
  15. H

    Need help; Small spot (PICS)

    hey i dont know everything but that might be mites or something have u checked under a scope and under the leaves?
  16. H

    hey quick question during flowering

    well any ways i have 8 plants all growing under cfls i know wut they need my only question is i had a hermie show up and fucking polinate the lower branches of every plant :fire: pissed me off to have that happen. but will that hurt the yeild any or my final results
  17. H

    My 1st time grow, Questions and Suggestions?

    hey bro just checked it and u should atleast do cfls ( prolly something close to 150w actual should do for a nice harvest) gl ill be checking in
  18. H

    1000watt hps vs. 220 watt CFL ROFL

    hey ivve just read most of these remarks and 1982 has alot of facts i just matched all them up to the medical marijuana bible by jc. so quit hating on new technologies we use it for stealth not just watt for watt. by the way if u think ur so smart why the fuck r u useing a 1000w like a retard...