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  1. D

    Leaves shriveling up and dying, slow to show signs of flowering.

    Okay so this is my first indoor grow, so I may be over-alarmed at the fact that i'm 7 days into 12/12 with no discernible signs of bud growth outside of the singular calyx/pistol set at each node that's been there since they got accustomed to their new home (bought clones, I'm a medical...
  2. D

    First indoor grow, could really use a bit of advice.

    Hello all. I've come a very long way to start my first crop and I'm finally here. After all the guerrilla grows every summer back east and all the reading on hydroponics I'm damn near ready to go to the store with a few grand and walk out ready to grow. I've decided on using four 4x4 flood...
  3. D

    top feed decisions, buckets or tubes?.....

    Hey all, I hate to be a nuisance by asking what to me seems a pretty newbtastic question but I just can't make the itch go away I go, sounding stupid: I'm trying to grow 64 plants in a perpetual harvest, 16 every two weeks, hopefully netting a pound with those 16. I had originally...
  4. D

    Location consideration...shit i keep rhyming....should i grow in a house that's cold?

    So I'm hunting for a grow house since I'm in the market anyways. I found a great place but it's got single wall construction. It was colder inside than it was outside somehow. I'll avoid specifics about my location, but it's got cold winters, the average low being lowest in December at just...
  5. D

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey so I figured it's only proper etiquette to introduce myself before I post a here goes. Just another guy trying to get by and get high. i really didn't mean to make that rhyme......