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  1. steezyg

    Best Method

    someone has sand in their vagina :hump:
  2. steezyg

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    ya i have been adding 1 tblsp of molases per gal of water, and the last week i have been adding table suger also, prolly like a 1/2 cup per 5 gals.
  3. steezyg

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    sweet, thanks so much everyone, it helps alot!!! Well ill keep you all posted. Ill make it the same name in like 3 weeks. See you all then :) with better pics plants :):):)
  4. steezyg

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    to many plants for 1000 w? or to little? this is my first grow so ya im confused. and thanks sticky :)
  5. steezyg

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    haha +rep thanks everyone els too!
  6. steezyg

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    sweet thanks all you. ok ill let you know how much i get with pics in about 4 weeks, ill keep you all posted. thanks
  7. steezyg

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    haha ok. Thank you tho :) and any idea on how much longer? like 90% of the white female hairs are still white not even brown yet
  8. steezyg

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    bump bump bump
  9. steezyg

    Making your bud tasty

    was it good? like better then the natural sweet taste of bud? was a diff good? or like you wouldnt do it again good?
  10. steezyg

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    oh and i know i got some nute burn rofl! hahaha my bad
  11. steezyg

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    first 2 pics are veg , the rest are oviously flower
  12. steezyg

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    Ok here it is. This is my first grow. Bagseed. Came out with 17 females in the end. Germinated for 1 week (Feb 15th-Feb 22nd) Planted on Feb 22nd (ill count this as day 1, so im not counting germination time) Vegged under flour tubes and CFL till about 10-12 in. under 18/6 Changed...
  13. steezyg

    Cutting top Cola

    oh sweet, well i guess im going to be doing this :) thanks guys
  14. steezyg

    Cutting top Cola

    sawwwweeeeeet why dont more people do this?
  15. steezyg

    Cutting top Cola

    When? Just when the top cola is ready? But when the top cola is ready isnt the bottems all ready too tho?
  16. steezyg

    Cutting top Cola

    So I read on a thread and it was unanswered that once the plant is ready to harvest, could you cut the top cola off, and dry and cure that while you keep growing the rest of the plant to bulk up? Meaning cut of the top when its done, so then the rest of the plant will bulk up? Im a newbie, so...
  17. steezyg

    pee in my garden

    i pee'ed in my water a couple times during veg. they were all bagseed, and 19 out of 21 became female. I swear it was the piss hahaha. and no lie. but i dont kno about if it was the piss, but i must have done something right with 19 out of 21 turned females with bagseed haha,
  18. steezyg

    2lbs of bubba kush on 1 light

    how tall are they now? what day are you on? how tall when you started flower?
  19. steezyg

    What u pay per O?

    100 for o of mexi