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  1. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    Yeah. They've been on 18 - 6 vegging for 10 days now. Soil is phed at 6.5 . The humidity is around 35 to 40 (I know it could be higher). I'm using hps bulb because it's what I have :) Just surprised that no one else has experienced this problem much before. Ive been watering every third day...
  2. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    Yeah. they're only 10 days old. So their roots are most likely still in the beginning stages. Should I go lower with my ph on the water? It's around 6.8 now. Also, I added a hygrometer and it is much dryer than I thought. Around 35 to 40 percent humidity. The air flow is quite good, which is one...
  3. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    I hadn't been giving them any nutes yet when this problem started.
  4. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    So. I've raised my light and added a bowl of water as well as a wet towl to try and increase humidity. but still. They are getting worse. They are still growing very fast, but now even the new leaves are curling up. anyone?
  5. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    Thanks. Maybe the second fan I recently added dried out the plants more, making them more succeptible to the heat stress. I'll put a wet rag behind the fan and see if it does the trick. Also. to my other question. How long should I wait before giving nutes? I was told to wairt two weeks. I'm...
  6. Zhuleni

    Superthrive ???

    I ve got two super skunk clones and I haven't yet given them any nutes. I've got access to BioBizz products as well as superthrive. What would you guys think would be a good choice for veg. Thanks A lot!
  7. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    But it's definitely not a heat problem. my temps stay right within 75
  8. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    Hmmm. Added the bowl of water and it seems that more leaves are curling up. Just a quick question. When should I start adding nutes? They're 10 day old clones at this point. Could this be a deficiency of some sort? Thanks
  9. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    yeah. they re growing like mad. They're super skunk clones. I'll pick up some nutes tomorrow and mix them in with my next watering. As you can see the bottom leaves are also a bit yellow towards the base.
  10. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    yeah. as i mentioned before, I haven't given them any nutes yet. I was told to wait two weeks before giving them anything. Perhaps this was bad advice. What would you suggest would be a good first nute mix to administer?
  11. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    I recently added another small fan to my set up and my girls started growing like crazy. 3 to 4cm of growth a day. They are currently in day 9 of veg (clones) under a 250 hps which is about 15 inches from the plant. I've got very good air flow so temps are kept within 73 to 78 . Using water phed...
  12. Zhuleni

    Is this Nute Lock ? Pics

    haha. :) see what happens when you read and watch too many videos without enough hands on experience. But thanks for the quick response. I can rest easy now... cheers
  13. Zhuleni

    Is this Nute Lock ? Pics

    I got these two clones of super skunk 5 days ago and I've noticed the stems have turned a bit purple. I haven't given them any nutes at all yet besides what was provided in the initial soil mix. My Soil mix is 1 part soil to 1 part perlite to .5 part sand. They are under a 250w hps with good...
  14. Zhuleni

    Transplanting Rock Wool into Soil

    cool. I was just watching Jorge Cervantes "ultimate grow" dvd and during the transplanting clones section he mentions that you should always transplant into the same medium. Basically just freaked me out for a second (as I'm sure most noobs are easily skittish :) cheers for the info.
  15. Zhuleni

    My First GROW! 2month qp set up

    since it seems you are into dropping the money on quality gear I would suggest purchasing an inline fan. You can suspend it from your ceiling with wire. You'd be surprised at how much air one of those will move in a small cabinet set up like this. Put one of the ducts sucking out near your...
  16. Zhuleni

    Transplanting Rock Wool into Soil

    5 days ago I got 2 clones of super skunk. They were in a large rock wool block (about 5 x 5 x 5 inches ). They're under a 250 hps (don't have any cfls for vegging) . I was told that I could put them immediately into the pots, but now I'm seeing conflicting information on this. They seem to be...
  17. Zhuleni

    fuckit - tell me what strain YOU GUYS wanna see get grown!!!

    also would like to see some romulan
  18. Zhuleni

    Womens Menstration Kills Plants

    Alot of the weird laws about eating shell fish, menstruating women and other absolute absurdities can be found in the book of leviticus.
  19. Zhuleni

    Medical Patient Needs Help Designing My GrowRoom. NEED ADVICE!

    Thanks for your responses. I was just making sure there wasn't some glaring error in my plans before I dove into it. I wasn't sure about a few things. I've read through the grow faq. A great resource. Just still had a few lingering questions. 1: whether the vegging chamber would be large...
  20. Zhuleni

    Medical Patient Needs Help Designing My GrowRoom. NEED ADVICE!

    Hi. I'm a medicinal marijuana patient in europe and according to my countries laws I am able to have three plants at any one time for personal use. However I am unable to excede this limit or face strict penalties. So. My dillemma is simple enough. How can I grow the most medicine using this...